Light cheese and salt

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Head Chef
Sep 11, 2021
when it comes to light cheese i like them a bit more salty than how they arrive.

i add some salt to the sandwich itself

i want to ask
what are some reasons that manufacturers don't use much salt in light cheese?

is one of the reasons is the fact that more salt will make the cheese to have more thin liquid above the cheese?

in the photo it is labane with zaatar mixture


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In the United States at least, many people get too much salt, which can cause or exacerbate health issues. And people have different preferences for the amount of salt they like. You can always add more, but you can't take it out [emoji16]
i want to ask
what are some reasons that manufacturers don't use much salt in light cheese?
is one of the reasons is the fact that more salt will make the cheese to have more thin liquid above the cheese?

I´d venture a guess and say that each manufacturer decides how much salt they want to add, as a matter of taste.
Salt draws the liquid from vegetables, so I imagine it does the same for cheese.
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