Meeeh!! This Cool down 50C ain’t working?

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Senior Cook
Nov 6, 2023

It’s been said over and over to cool the fudge down to 50C before we start beating it.

If I do this, the fudge gets very hard after 3 minutes of beating it🤷🏻‍♂️. And it creates bubbles on top after I pour it in the pan.

In contrast, if I let it cool down to 60-70C, it’s easier to beat (about 7-10min), no bubbles and no crystallization, and melts in the mouth !!! So what’s all the hype about the 50C?

Thanks for all insight!
No matter what is said about being scientific in preparing certain foods - there will always be an exception. You do what works for you.
Perhaps it is an infinitesimal delay in putting down the thermometer and picking up the wooden spoon to beat - Perhaps you are taking the temp in the middle when the outside is much cooler.
If it gets too hard after waiting that time period - just do it sooner!
No matter what is said about being scientific in preparing certain foods - there will always be an exception. You do what works for you.
Perhaps it is an infinitesimal delay in putting down the thermometer and picking up the wooden spoon to beat - Perhaps you are taking the temp in the middle when the outside is much cooler.
If it gets too hard after waiting that time period - just do it sooner!
Yeah I hear you don’t fix if it ain’t broke 👍 thanks
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