Ms. Mofet's Cold Start Instant Pot Yogurt

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
This yogurt is so easy to make with an IP.

Cold start is so much easier than the boil method. Half and Half and/or heavy cream comes out so thick and creamy.

Ms. Mofet's Cold Start Instant Pot Yogurt

1/2 gallon Ultra Pasteurized Half and Half
1 Quart Ultra Pasteurized Half and Half
1 Quart Ultra Pasteurized Heavy Cream
(Has to be Ultra Pasteurized for cold start)

3 TBSP. Plain Greek Yogurt
Combine above till smooth and no lumps.
Place in Instant Pot inner liner pot.
Select Yogurt NORMAL Mode, set for 8 hours.
That's it you're done, walk away.
When done incubating strain 12 hours.
Thick, creamy and mild.

Sounds easy and an interesting way to do it. Too bad I don't have an Instant Pot. I assume it has to be ultra pasteurized because of the time the cream will be at temperatures that would grow unfriendly microorganisms.

I haven't had any luck when trying to make quark with UHT milk. It didn't work right at all. I assume that was due to the change in the structure of the proteins. Maybe it's because quark is cultured with a mesophilic bacteria and yogourt is cultured with a thermophilic bacteria. Anyhoo, that's why I am skeptical of using UHT milk or cream for culturing.
I have seen things like this using ultra pasteurized milk before, but never tried it. Though almost all cream available is UP, not much milk I see is, plus, I'm cheap, and it's more expensive! :LOL: I have no problems about heating milk up, then cooling it down.
I have seen things like this using ultra pasteurized milk before, but never tried it. Though almost all cream available is UP, not much milk I see is, plus, I'm cheap, and it's more expensive! :LOL: I have no problems about heating milk up, then cooling it down. But if you are making this with the higher fat creams, why not use the method given?
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