My favorite apron, what's yours?

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Head Chef
May 27, 2009
Landlocked in Southwest U.S.
Describe, or post a pic of, your cooking apron. Is it an heirloom, or does it have a backstory?

Most of the time, I cook in long sleeve t-shirt and my most raggedy blue jeans. But I also sometimes wear a long, vinyl-coated apron, made for barbecue that gleefully makes me feel like Dr. Frankenstein in the kitchen. I also embarrassingly confess to donning a hawaiian apron for quick dinners if I'm still wearing a good pair of pants.
Describe, or post a pic of, your cooking apron. Is it an heirloom, or does it have a backstory?

Most of the time, I cook in long sleeve t-shirt and my most raggedy blue jeans. But I also sometimes wear a long, vinyl-coated apron, made for barbecue that gleefully makes me feel like Dr. Frankenstein in the kitchen. I also embarrassingly confess to donning a hawaiian apron for quick dinners if I'm still wearing a good pair of pants.

Most of the time I don't wear an apron, but I do have two that are useful: one is one my mother bought in San Franscisco in the '70s. It is long (almost like a pinafore) and covers almost everything; the other is a dog grooming apron--vinyl (with all different breeds of dogs on it, naturally). The long one I wear when I'm rolling a lot of dough (flour), the other when I'm canning tomatoes.
I have a basic black butcher style apron. Haven't used it yet (Kathleen got it for a couple weeks ago).

I wanted it so I don't end up with bit of meat stuck to me when I am grinding. :)
Apron? :huh:

Seriously, I have been thinking of getting one. I've been retiring a lot of clothes lately due to a splatter here, a drip there. Maybe something leather :angel:
A cook that's drenched in red splatter is either revered or reviled. It's better to be neutral, and wear a protective apron/smock.

I also have a canvas one embroidered with a cartoon whistling teapot, my reminder to both let go of and supervise anything I am cooking. I rarely wear it; but it's a fixture in my kitchen.
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I use two:

First - is a red "Gourmet Cook" embroidered full front apron that was a gift from a dear friend.

Second - is a full front black but colorfully silk screened "Route 66" emblems and scenes that another friend made custom for me.

Since I bake a lot, I do wear an apron.
I have a white one with dark blue trim and a New England Patriots logo. SO has one she said I could use but it has pretty flowers and a frilly edge so I doubt it will make it out of the cabinet.

Kathleen offered to let me borrow one of hers. Flowers, frilly, pretty, cute.. I decided I needed one of my own.
I should try to get a Red Sox apron to go with the Patriots one I have.

I suppose now I'm going to have to get one for the Cubs! ;)
Yes, I know, I'm a die hard glutton for punishment. But one of these days...
I have several that I wear interchangably but I do have a vinyl one that I use for really messy jobs. (Like butchering a deer). But I often forget to put one on at all and I am so messy that my clothes often get ruined. Thank goodness I discovered Shout Advanced a few years ago. It has saved me hundreds of dollars in clothes.
My apron is something that I would NOT be proud to "share" looks kinda hideous at times. Granted, it gets slated for a weekly washing, but...whoo-hoo..some days go easier on the aprons than others! :) LOL
oh, I love aprons and make my own....they are reversible, have large pockets and the neck strap comes apart so you don't have to pull the apron strap off over your head..I have maybe 12 right now. This time of the year I may wear one all day to keep are a few pics of some of them...Mary Mulari designed the apron and sells the pattern..


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oh, I love aprons and make my own....they are reversible, have large pockets and the neck strap comes apart so you don't have to pull the apron strap off over your head..I have maybe 12 right now. This time of the year I may wear one all day to keep are a few pics of some of them...Mary Mulari designed the apron and sells the pattern..

Beth, I looked up the aporn patterns. Is the one you are wearing the one that is $12.00? I love your aprons. They will make great gifts.:cool:

Beth, I looked up the aporn patterns. Is the one you are wearing the one that is $12.00? I love your aprons. They will make great gifts.:cool:

I agree that they would make great gifts for someone just like us. If I made those for dh's kids they would smile politely and through them out. It's tough being the only serious cook.

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