
12hrs. in Hickory Smoke; moist, and delicious! I feel like a first-time Dad!
Ashyface said:I know it's kind of tooting my own horn to post that, but I was just so thrilled I didn't screw it up...and I had had a few Saturday Night beers at the time.At any rate, thanks for accommodating me and being kind.
@Smokey Lew: I have not done my UDS yet, and I can't honestly decided to build or buy one. I had some unexpected expenses this week, so I'm a touch cash poor right now anyway. I look at it as a blessing; gives me more time to make the right choice. I had to do this one on my old, cruddy, leaky Char-Griller Smoking Pro. It's unimproved in any way, so it was all done by "feel" if-you-will. I burned a Kingsford Blue Bag fire with dry Hickory for 12 hours, at ultra low heat. Now keep in mind that the stock thermometer on the Char-Griller is only a "ballpark" indicator, but I could get it up to 225 about a third of the time, but the rest of the day was mostly around 180. I went through an entire large bag of Kingsford and an entire bag of Hickory chunks. Every 45mins. I was tending the fire, adding fuel, or adjusting what I could to get the smoke to draw. I had the meat all the way on the far side, away from the firebox for about 10 hours, then moved it up close for the last 2. I checked the internal temp at 175 degrees and pulled it off, and immediately wrapped it in tin-foil and put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours. I took that picture right before I pulled it apart. The bark was thick, and the meat was still a very light pink inside, and incredibly juicy. I just used what I had in the house for a rub: Zach's Original Dry Rub.