Barbara L
Traveling Welcome Wagon
My love affair with canned cream of mushroom soup, that is. I have always known there is a lot of sodium in canned soups, but it was just one of those things that I put up with, as I liked to cook with cream of mushroom soup. Well, last night I used cream of mushroom soup in my meal, as I have done for many years, and it was so salty that I just didn't enjoy my meal. That was the only salt in the meal, so I decided to take a look at the nutrition information on the side of the can. I knew it would be bad, but I didn't know HOW bad it would be. In one-half cup (straight from the can, not diluted) there are 880 mg of sodium, which is 37% of the daily value of sodium. YIKES! My blood pressure practically went up just reading the label!