I'm very impressed. Course now around here I think we call em KC Strips. At any rate the tough side of T-bone si si? Now down in Corpus they called em Sirloin Strips..which I think must be the same thang. Bunch of Greeks in that part o the world..and they all kin and in the restaurant bizness. Had one who would offer up a 20oz Sirloin Strip. It looked sorta like a small pot roast. Whew that was good swear you could cut it with a fork. I grilled the cook one day and he say they cooked em nekked too. Then they layer it up with some kinda lemon flavor garlic butter sauce applied after cooking. Tell ya a person would kill for one of them steaks. They was charging about 13 for the big steak and all the sides. That be about 40-50 bucks in nowaday money. Maybe a hundred since Osama and Nancy has got hold of them printing presses. Will have to check on the ratios one of these days.