Novice hitting problems with bread making

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Assistant Cook
Jul 1, 2012
Could someone please tell me how I stop my dough/bread from going flat once it's placed on the baking tray for the final proving.

Up until that moment bread making could not be simpler but I end up with a tasty loaf about 2 inches high !


Can you post your recipe and method? It will help us troubleshoot with you.

Some ideas off the top of my head are 1) old yeast, 2) not a warm enough environment for final proof, 3) not a long enough proof
Can you post your recipe and method? It will help us troubleshoot with you.

Some ideas off the top of my head are 1) old yeast, 2) not a warm enough environment for final proof, 3) not a long enough proof

Also, what kind of bread are you making?
I had problems with baking bread till I started using an instant-read thermometer to make sure the water was at the right temp. Should be about 90 degrees F.
Post in detail what you're doing, but also, do you mean it's rising the last time and then falling, or it just fails to rise the last proofing period?
I let the bread rise twice....once when i prepare the dough and second when i work the dough well and form bread, i put bread loafs in the baking pan, and leave it to rest for 30 minutes, then i bake it in a preheated oven.

As was previosly said it depends on the flour, yeast and type of bread you are baking

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