Master Chef
Or at least slap him silly. In our town we have a very old-school, Polish Catholic priest. He has a reputation for being very, very, very strict. Well, we don't know him, we're fallen-away Catholics, but we do live in back of the church, and know when he's the priest holding mass because it is something like 90 minutes long. Well, a friend of ours who is devout said she'd offered to make him dinner. Hubby said he'd met the man, and greeted him in Polish (probably the only words he knows in the language). She asked what she could make. By the end of the conversation my husband had volunteered us to go to the dinner, then asked her to invite him here for dinner!. Aitch ee double hockey sticks. I'd already recommended frozen pierogies from a local store, and a cucumber salad. If this comes to pass, any easy-peasy suggestions?