I have seen people do some really risky things when faced with cutting truly stubborn vegetables--butternut squash, for horrible example. I have seen a man what his way halfway through the neck of a butternut and then slam down on the spine of the knife with his open palm. It hurts, and beyond that there's risk of a severe cut if the the hand slides down the spine to the point, Laying a wadded dish cloth over the knife to protect the hand is even riskier. You can't really see well and the cloth introduces even more slipperiness. Wen I saw a guy reach for a carpenter's hammer I turned chicken and simply fled the room.
Yes, blunt-force trauma is required but the solution is a 1-lb rubber tire mallet from the auto-supply store.
Yes, blunt-force trauma is required but the solution is a 1-lb rubber tire mallet from the auto-supply store.