Panko Encrusted Chicken Sandwich

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Executive Chef
Oct 7, 2009
San Diego CA
First some 5 Minute Beer Bread. Bread making can't get any easier than this. I forgot to take a pic when I first put the bread in. I took this pic about 10 minutes after I put it on the grill and it already doubled in size.
Here is the recipe for the bread if anybody wants it. Only 3 ingredients.
For the beer I used Negro Modello. Sam the Cooking Guy - Five Minute Beer Bread

Bread done

Cooked some bacon on the outdoor stove

French fries frying in the wok.

Panko encrusted BSC Thighs seasoned with some Slap ya Mama and then dipped in your basic flour, egg, panko and then seasoned again with more Slap ya Mama.

Plated using the bread, some chipotle/Sriracha mayo, bacon, chicken, deli mustard, lettuce and tomato. Sandwich turned out really well!!!

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V, you are dedicated, how many people make their own bread for their sandwiches? Your game just gets better every day!
Dang that looks good and healthy. Fine job. What kinda frying oil are we using here? Thanks. That beer bread was a big fad in the late 70's. Always loved the stuff. Seemed to sorta disappear along with Fondue and well built chevys.
Dang that looks good and healthy. Fine job. What kinda frying oil are we using here? Thanks. That beer bread was a big fad in the late 70's. Always loved the stuff. Seemed to sorta disappear along with Fondue and well built chevys.

I used Canola oil
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