Pesto Fresh or Blanched Basil?

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
Question. I just watched a video of a pesto recipe. The basil was blanched, cooled then proceeded with the recipe.

I usually ( always) have made pesto with fresh uncooked basil ( sometimes I add spinach to make it a little more mild).

Any preferences ?
Im guessing the blanched/ shocked basil may hold its color better, but any other benefits ?
I just watched a Jacques Pepin video showing the same thing.

I don't blanch. I don't add jalapeños. I use either pine nuts or pistachios.
I can't think of any benefits from blanching it. It's so delicate it seems to me that that treatment would make it more difficult to make it a flavorful paste. I don't know why, but I don't like the idea.
I have never blanched basil for pesto, but there is a sauce that I've made, from Asian Flavors of Jean-George, in which Thai basil is blanched quickly, and some very bright green oil is made from it, which is made into a thin, emulsified sauce, with egg yolks, lime juice and fish sauce. I can see how the basil in pesto would be brighter green, if treated this way, but I'd want to try it, side by side with the raw basil pesto, to see how the flavor compares, before doing that on a regular basis.

I have not heard of blanching basil for pesto. My go to recipe for decades has been half basil and half parsley for the nutritional kick. I should try basil only to see what it takes like. I generally use toasted walnuts, and fresh garlic. Reminds me, my neighbor hasn't given me basil yet. We trade various veggies and herbs. I believe the frosts and freezes may be over for this Spring; had 4 frosts last week. May 25 is the average last Spring frost.
I just watched the Jacques Pépin video about this. I think he blanches the basil for two reasons. 1) The basil takes less space in your food processor that way. 2) He takes off a couple of teaspoons of the pureed basil and EVOO and freezes it. He has a zipper bag filled with packets of plastic wrapped basil puree to use in winter, when his basil plants aren't around. There are many foods that should be blanched before freezing.
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