Pizza / Bread / Bruschetta

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Old Dave

Senior Cook
Mar 29, 2009
I rolled my little Green Mountain Davy Crockett pellet grill around to my cooking patio and set it up for high temp baking and fired it up and slowly brought the temp up to around 450 degrees measured at or on the hearth stone.


Had some of the 5 minute Artisan bread dough available so I decided to use it for this bake.


I made up a boule with a little over a pound of this dough and let it rise for about 45 minutes.


I let the cooker run on temp (450 degrees) for about 20 more minutes and got it ready for the bread by adding a water pan for the steam. I added a cup of water and placed the bread on the hearth and closed the door and this loaf was on it’s way.


While the first loaf was baking, I got my pizza ready using the same dough.


I had my hearth stone to the far right side of the cooker and it baked a very nice boule of evenly browned bread which was not moved or rotated but just placed on the hearth and baked.


I moved the hearth stone to the far left side of the cooker to see if it would cook as even as the right side and loaded my pizza.


Again, I got a nice evenly baked pizza without any moves or rotation of any kind.


Both the bread and pizza looked pretty good coming off of this little tailgate pellet cooker.


I sliced some bread for the wife and she got busy with some olive oil, tomato sauce, sliced tomatoes, garlic, butter, parmesan cheese, and made up some Bruschetta bread and I baked it as well.


Cut the pizza up.


The Bruschetta bread out of the fire.



As served.

I hate to keep ragging on this little cooker but I sure haven’t found much fault with it and It has become one of my favorite cookers.

Looks fantastic, I personally like the looks of the bread best. Warm with some butter :D
Got a great deep dish pan recipe if you would like to try it?

This weekend I start my summer project. That's right Out Door Wood fired Brick Pizza, and Bread Oven!!!!!
Ok..since yall got me Pizza hungry yesterday had to send the Warden down to the closest Albanian Pizza/Pasta place to snag two slices of big daddio supreme with japs and anchovies. It takes an Albanian to make good pizza and assorted other Eyetalian Food. The Greek salad wasnt bad either. Had one slice for supper and the other for breakfast.


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That looks bought...... But good.... I am making some homemade Pizza tomorrow. Maybe I will post up some pictures. *wink wink*
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No wonder it looks bought. It was pretty danged good. All them Albanians know how to make pizza and have accents from Noo Yawk..they are all named Joe. I can show pics of a ho made French Bread Pizza if you want.
In Texas..we eat the top and throw the bread in the trash. Where you from?
Does this wasteful/un-frugal lifestyle come from living in Texas, inhaling cooking gas fumes, inhaling electrical smoke, living so close to that nasty mesquite-O wood/noxious weed :weedman:, or a combination of any/all of the above? :confused: :butthead::butthead::butthead:
No no..we are gluten free and trying to watch those carbs. That stuff turns to Elmers Glue in the gut ya know?
Did not know that Albanians made glootin free bread and pizzer dough. Guess we true Southerners can learn sumptin from a Texican Yankeee every now and again.
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