Plus Signs

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 16, 2008
New Orleans, LA
Can someone tell me what the plus sign after some names mean? When I look at the Power Users list of who's online, some peoples' user name has a plus after it.

Just wondering what it means. :ermm:
That may be right. I'll have to see after some more people wake up. Thanks, .40.
Oh. Well, that's good to know because all this time I thought some people were being singled out for some special reason (plus is usually good) and I was feeling left out because I hadn't been chosen yet :LOL:
Oh. Well, that's good to know because all this time I thought some people were being singled out for some special reason (plus is usually good) and I was feeling left out because I hadn't been chosen yet :LOL:

Me too, especially when it was someone new. But I checked and all are friends.

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