Pork Belly Tacos

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Executive Chef
Oct 7, 2009
San Diego CA
Used about a 1/3 of a pork belly I picked up from Costco.

On the grill for 1.5 hours no seasoning.

Then placed the belly is some foil with Lawry's Seasoning Salt, black pepper and about a half cup beer and back on the grill for another 1.5 hours when it was probe tender.

Placed the belly in some clean foil and into the freezer to setup for about an hour and cut into some thick slices

Heated up a skillet and seared the cut sides, I did cut it lengthwise too, I should have cut them into cubes.

Made tacos garnished with a little onion, cilantro queso fresco and Mexican salsa. sides were refried beans( I added the fat the rendered out when I seared the belly to the beans) anmd some cactus salad my Wife made.
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