Post holidays supper, Tuesday 2024 January 2

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
Since I had a bunch of chicken leftover from New Year's Eve supper, we had hot chicken sandwiches. I served them with leftover coleslaw and roast sunroots (AKA fartichokes/Jerusalem artichokes). I hadn't used that wholegrain wheat bread to make hot chicken with before and the slices were quite large. Had that with glasses of milk.

What did you have for supper?

Hot chicken sandwich, coleslaw, roasted sunroots.jpg
Hot chicken sandwich, coleslaw, sunroot sm.jpg
Mushroom Ravioli c Shrimp      24.01.02.jpg

Last of the Mushroom Ravioli along with shrimp, sweet red peppers & some bok choy, fresh ground pepper, drizzled with leek infused olive oil and topped with some mozza cheese.

There was a lot of shrimp and my arthritis is going to scream at me in punishment - worth it!
I placed a layer of pulled smoked lamb pieces interspersed with chopped fresh oregano (I can't believe it's still growing in my garden here in the midwest this time of year) in a shallow baking dish and covered it a layer of macaroni and homemade 4-cheese sauce, then baked it. I served that with a caprese salad. Quite good!
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Last of the Mushroom Ravioli along with shrimp, sweet red peppers & some bok choy, fresh ground pepper, drizzled with leek infused olive oil and topped with some mozza cheese.

There was a lot of shrimp and my arthritis is going to scream at me in punishment - worth it!
Do shrimp bother your arthritis? Or is it something else in that meal?
Yeah, I seem to be middle of the line, irritates only if I over do it consistently, which I'm well known to do. Never bothers a friend of mine who's arthritis is far more advanced than mine - and absolutely immobilizes another friend whose arthritis (although she is older) is only just starting to give her problems.

so there yuh go! the three extremes!
Yeah, I seem to be middle of the line, irritates only if I over do it consistently, which I'm well known to do. Never bothers a friend of mine who's arthritis is far more advanced than mine - and absolutely immobilizes another friend whose arthritis (although she is older) is only just starting to give her problems.

so there yuh go! the three extremes!
Your reaction to oysters seems to be similar to my reaction to nightshades. It's not just which nightshades or which parts of the nightshades, it's also the amount of nightshades within some amount of time.

To me it isn't just a question of pain. It's the fact that the pain is caused by inflammation, which makes arthritis worse. The pain is telling my body that something not-so-good is happening. I figure that I want to avoid making it any worse.
LOL, oysters? I did not mention oysters in particular, which is a shell fish I only eat once every 20 years or so, even then only 3 maybe 4 raw. Never cooked, can't abide them. Shrimp on the other hand, plus mussels and to a lesser degree, clams - yes, I definitely have a reaction to, despite of which I partake of frequently. :mrgreen:

I've not ever noticed any particular reaction to any of the nightshades (other than tomato, maybe, and then only raw, not cooked). Nor any of the sweet peppers nor jalapeno. Sometimes I add a frozen Bird Chili, but no membrane nor seeds, Have never noticed a reaction there either. Probably because of quality. Maybe even quantity.

But then again, perhaps all total - I'm always in pain from either arthritis, neuropathy or even something undiagnosed - hard to differentiate. Pain all day long, one only tries to define when it becomes unbearable... and by that time you just can't be bothered and start searching...
LOL, oysters? I did not mention oysters in particular, which is a shell fish I only eat once every 20 years or so, even then only 3 maybe 4 raw. Never cooked, can't abide them. Shrimp on the other hand, plus mussels and to a lesser degree, clams - yes, I definitely have a reaction to, despite of which I partake of frequently. :mrgreen:

I've not ever noticed any particular reaction to any of the nightshades (other than tomato, maybe, and then only raw, not cooked). Nor any of the sweet peppers nor jalapeno. Sometimes I add a frozen Bird Chili, but no membrane nor seeds, Have never noticed a reaction there either. Probably because of quality. Maybe even quantity.

But then again, perhaps all total - I'm always in pain from either arthritis, neuropathy or even something undiagnosed - hard to differentiate. Pain all day long, one only tries to define when it becomes unbearable... and by that time you just can't be bothered and start searching...
Yeah, I meant shrimp. There was a post in another thread that mentioned oysters, so I guess I had oysters on the brain. For whatever reason, peppers with capsaicin don't bother me or Stirling. I think that the plants that go to the effort of making capsaicin don't need to go to the effort of making solanine to keep predators from eating their fruits.

I seem to be able to pinpoint arthritis pain and differentiate it from muscle pain, etc. That's helpful. I do keep a diary of what I eat and if, and when, I have any twinges or pain. There definitely seems to be a factor of what, but even more of "load".
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