Potato Salad Tips, Secrets and Shortcuts

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Master Chef
Aug 20, 2021
Somewhere in the PNW
I tried a new recipe today...well, not a completely new recipe, but a new way of doing the potato part or an old, tried and true recipe. I usually cook Russets whole, in the microwave or a pot of water, cool them, peel them, chop them and so on. Today, I used a bag of frozen "hash browns". The uncooked, diced potatoes in the freezer section of the grocery store. I boiled them for about 3.5 to 4 MINUTES, dumped them on a cookie sheet covered with paper towels and let them cool for about 10 minutes or so. In the meantime, I was working on the rest of the stuff. Chopping hard boiled eggs, celery, olives, pickles...the usual suspects. Grabbed the mustard and mayo, salt and pepper and the paprika too. About that time, potatoes were cool enough, so into a big bowl they went, followed by copious amounts of mayo, a big dab of the mustard, some salt, pepper, paprika...mix and add the chopped stuff, more mixing and done! So, potato salad in like 15 minutes!!?? It sure tasted great, but it wasn't chilled yet. That will be the true test.

What do you say? What's your tip, secret or shortcut? I won't tell! :ROFLMAO:
I steam the potatoes mostly now, then sprinkle with a little white wine, apple cider vinegar or white wine vinegar and toss. Also, dressing them white still hot so they will absorb some of the dressing. I always make a little more dressing than I think I'll need so I'll have it to add if the potato salad is dry looking.
I steam the potatoes mostly now, then sprinkle with a little white wine, apple cider vinegar or white wine vinegar and toss. Also, dressing them white still hot so they will absorb some of the dressing. I always make a little more dressing than I think I'll need so I'll have it to add if the potato salad is dry looking.
Hmmm...I don't believe I have ever steamed potatoes! Do you do them whole, peeled, chopped? Is your dressing more of a clear kind? Not a mayo? I do one that uses that kind and includes asparagus. It is yummy! Thanks for the ideas!
Peeled and chopped. Different dressings but include mayo. There are several kinds of potato salads we like.
I peel and cube the potatoes (Yukon Gold). Then I boil them in salted water. I prep the dressing while the potatoes are cooking then drain the potatoes and toss them hot with the dressing so the potatoes will absorb the maximum dressing flavor. Then I refrigerate the dressed potatoes for two hours to cool.

While the potatoes are cooling, I prep the other ingredients, chop the veggies, cook the bacon and boil the eggs, etc.

After two hours of chilling, I toss everything together but the eggs. Last, I fold in the eggs gently.
I peel and cube the potatoes (Yukon Gold). Then I boil them in salted water. I prep the dressing while the potatoes are cooking then drain the potatoes and toss them hot with the dressing so the potatoes will absorb the maximum dressing flavor. Then I refrigerate the dressed potatoes for two hours to cool.

While the potatoes are cooling, I prep the other ingredients, chop the veggies, cook the bacon and boil the eggs, etc.

After two hours of chilling, I toss everything together but the eggs. Last, I fold in the eggs gently.
Nice...I can see you have a process!
A few years back, there was a news story about a way to cook eggs for egg (or potato) salad in the oven. Basically, you grease a dish, crack however many eggs into the dish, and place the dish in water. Place in the oven and bake. It comes out like a huge egg loaf. I had to make a boat-load of potato salad so decided to try it. It worked a treat!

Mind you, the "news" story was about a viral video on TikTok. *yay* I do get annoyed when TikTok virals become "news."
Hmm, I have steamed sliced potatoes in a vegi steamer when I needed them quickly. I have also used sliced potato in potato salad, but it never occurred to me to steam sliced potatoes to use in potato salad. :doh: D'oh!
I found cubed potatoes instead of sliced are easier to work with, don't break apart as much and are a good size and shape for eating.
I agree. That's why I seldom make potato salad with sliced potatoes. But, every once in a while, the urge just comes over me to make it with sliced potatoes. I like the change.
I like to use pickle juice on the hot drained potatoes. More interesting than just vinegar.

I make different potato salads with different potato shapes so sometimes slices sometimes cubes depending how I've encountered them in the past and what I liked. The sliced potato salad doesn't have as many other bulky ingredients in it so it lays together well and eats well even though they're just slices.
My tip is to make potato salad the old fashioned way with two or three potatoes instead of a five pound sack. 🤭

I have used a can of whole potatoes in a pinch. The secret is to rinse the potatoes in boiling water and pat dry.

A quick potato salad can be made with a couple of leftover baked potatoes.

I will try the frozen hash brown method!
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