Prime Grade Beef at Costco!

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
I was in Costco this morning and to my great surprise saw a small display case offering 4-5 different types of beef labeled as prime grade.

There were whole pieces of NY Strip and Boneless Ribeye as well as some trimmed tenderloin pieces. There were also smaller packs with three or four individual steaks each.

The whole NY Strip was $8.99/Lb. and the whole ribeye was $10.99/Lb. I think the whole trimmed tenderloins were $14.99/Lb.

The steaks were a a few dollars per pound higher.
These showed up at the local Costco a few months ago. Cooking one tonight. They lack the age requred for a truly good steak, but if you get them in Cryovac you can age them yourself. Pretty good eating.
this ain't new, and it's good cheap mean.....i like getting the 6 pork tenderloins for like $20
this ain't new, and it's good cheap mean.....i like getting the 6 pork tenderloins for like $20

The prime meat I am talking about is beef, not pork. They just showed up in the last week or two at the local Costco. Looks like others have had it longer.
Here, L.A., our local Costco's have had prime grade beef, rib and steaks for the last 2-3 years. We've been buying them from inception and no complaints so far.
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