Question about hard candy

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Assistant Cook
Aug 24, 2010
Alberta Canada
Hi All

I am new here (see introduction if you choose) and I have a question.

In making hard crack candy with corn syrup and sugar ... WHY do so many recipes call for sugar, syrup AND water ?

I thought the process of cooking the corn syrup and sugar was to extract all the water OUT so why would you add water at the beggining ?

Hi Tee. Welcome to DC.

The water and syrup keep the sugar from crystalizing during the cooking process.
Thanks for your response - is that the only reason for adding water to the corn syrup and sugar ?

I have just been using the corn syrup and sugar, NO water and I have not had any crystals in mine - I am making horse treats though not people treats.

Just wondered if I had been doing it all wrong !
That's good news for you. If it works, don't worry. Those steps are safeguards, not requirements.

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