Random Photo Thread: The Sequel

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My elderly, decrepit apple tree is all budded out. Last year I had maybe 3 blooms. Looks like I'll have a busy fall! It isn't pretty, but it sure is productive.

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Welcome Back Rick! Glad you had a good time.

Lovely apple tree, Dawg. Maybe you get to play "sneak the apples" this year!
My elderly, decrepit apple tree is all budded out. Last year I had maybe 3 blooms. Looks like I'll have a busy fall! It isn't pretty, but it sure is productive.

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Dawg, have you ever given thought to have a tree company come in and paring and thinning the tree out?

Also, one time a landscaper told me if I loosened the dirt around the roots and fed the tree lime, I would get sweeter and bigger fruit. I had a plum tree right outside my window.

That looks like an old tree. Worth any labor you might put into it. :angel:
Dawg, have you ever given thought to have a tree company come in and paring and thinning the tree out?

Also, one time a landscaper told me if I loosened the dirt around the roots and fed the tree lime, I would get sweeter and bigger fruit. I had a plum tree right outside my window.

That looks like an old tree. Worth any labor you might put into it. :angel:

Our "tree company" is a good buddy with a chain saw! DH did announce to me that he's no longer willing to ascend the ladder with an apple picker to get the best apples from the top of the tree. What a wimp.

We may need to borrow a bucket truck. I foresee some drive-by apple drops again this year.
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Looking forward to hearing about your results, RP. :)

Kay...in thinking about it...if I had access to a plane, a handsome pilot :wub:, poppy seeds, and good flying weather, I think I'd go for it this year rather than wait until next fall. What have you got to lose - those seeds could germinate and form taproots on their own. Not all poppy fields waited on someone to plant them in fall...? :)

No poppies yet this early, but here are the others we planted. Good results for their first spring.

Another apple tree pic. All 40 feet of it.

You are invited to bring a bag and pick what you want in October!

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Another apple tree pic. All 40 feet of it.

You are invited to bring a bag and pick what you want in October!

We have several decorative "fruit" trees in the yard. They have beautiful blossoms this time of year, but never bear fruit. This is a good thing as it would just end up rotting on the ground anyway.

The day after we got back from Mexico, we picked up the dog from the Bow Wow Barn where he was living while we were gone. He was one happy puppy and we played out in the yard for an hour after we got him home.

Yesterday, when I made baked beans for dinner, I used bacon we had bought at the Nahunta Pork Center in North Carolina, while on our trip to the Chef & The Farmer restaurant. This is definitely not like supermarket bacon! :LOL: You can definitely tell it's pork belly. Most of it was thick-sliced, so it didn't crumble well; I had to dice it fine when it was done cooking. Made mighty fine baked beans, though! :yum:


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Mmm...good lookin' bacon, GG. :yum:

Rick - beautiful dog AND beautiful flower pic! Dawg, loving your apple tree pics. The blossoms are SO pretty. Wish I had room for an apple tree!
I haven't seen one of these hanging around my bird feeders for a couple of years. Early on when we lived here, we would get a rafter of turkeys around 23 strong. I wonder where the rest of them were. :huh:


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Neato, CG! We have a lot of wild turkeys around here, but they mostly hang out in the timber. Occasionally we get a couple in the yard, drives Beagle nuts. When I was commuting to work, there was a small flock that hung out by the road. One tom would insist that the road was his, and would attack cars that slowed down.

When we visited relatives in Joisey, they'd have a dozen or so hanging out at their birdfeeder.
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