RIP Neil Armstrong

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Hats off to Commander Armstrong. Hope they give him the biggest send off we have seen to date.
Do you know his other famous first string of words? "Its Solid"...they had been preaching to them boys for years they was going to sink into sand up to the eye balls. Notice the funky tires on the moon rover suv? Point is if the moon had been hammered for as long at they would have a bunch more dust. Great lynch pin of the Creation Scientists. Dont hear much about it in the commie liberal mainstream media. Not sure why that is..but I got guesses. Nixon interrupted them to talk on the phone. I love that guy but that sorta got me ticked. They bound to have mo betta things to do than talk to that igmo. He took some heat over it.
Tranquility Base... The Eagle has Landed! Thank You Commander Armstrong for your service!

MUShand, if you will allow me, you omitted the first human word ever spoken from the moon spoken by Commander Armstrong. "Houston..".

Does anyone else remember the little plastic 45 rpm that was put out in the next National Geographic that had the entire recording on it?? That's got to be worth some money!
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Rest is peace. You were a true american hero and inspired generations to shoot for the stars.

Thank you for your service,
The Warden tole me of a tribute webpage to Mr. Armstrong hosted by the DNC. You click on the link and you get a pic of the Prez pointing at the Moon. Now aint that special?
Well ok..I gave the Warden a hard grilling and after some exhaustive research to back up the claim...she say Obamie was not pointing at the Moon but simply looking at it. I apoligize profusely. There is some reason I do not trust the eye witness testimony of wimmen and this is a case in point. I am headed out behind the barn to eat worms..sniff sniff. I would have guessed the middle finger in the original scenario.

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