salisbury, md 04/20 - 04/21

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Jason - 3 Eyz said:
Hey guys!!! Just signed up after the fellas threw me a business card and stopped by to say Hi. Always glad to chat with folks on forums. Congrats to those that got calls in Salisbury. Great 1st showing for Fat Angel (Rich yu must be proud!). Hope to chat with you all!

Jason - 3 Eyz BBQ

Nice to see you here Jason, I think I was happier with FA's finish then I was with anything I've ever done. I know the kids were excited. Next they go after Lost Nation at Yardley, I may break out the Bahama Momma jug for them. You and Dan probably don't remember that but it's what gave you guy's the hangovers at New Holland in 03.
Bill The Grill Guy said:
Congradulations to Brian J, Fat Angel and Tuffy Stone. It was a great time.

Bruce B wrote:
42nd...what the Hell is going on down there in Virginia?

I only have one excuse Bruce. The team that was behind us had "distractionary techniques" going on.

That's not fair!!!!!!!!
My $.02 on the whole Salisbury contest thing...

Teaming up with Bill has been... well....hmmmmm..... lets just say.... I got some more sleep than usual.

but seriously... Bill is a great team mate and we have a few bugs to work out and I am very happy we teamed up. I can finally go to sleep at night and not worry about things being taken care of.

as far as the contest goes... it was a great contest.. could have been a bit more organized and the toilets could have been closer...

as far as our turn ins go...

I was almost happy with our Anything Butt turn-in... I didn't bring enough broccoli to fill the bottom of the box like I wanted.. I'll take the blame for that one... taste was good.. presentation could have been better, neater, and the wine sauce drizzled better....

Chicken... Bill cooked some Awesome chicken... we got hosed on that one...

Ribs... I was very happy with an 8th place call for my Ribs... sure 1st would have been better.

Pork.... we placed 26th... middle of the pack... typical for me... room for improvement.. I only wish I could figure out where and how to improve.

Brisket.... I think we kinda knew the brisket was a bit dry... Bill and I cook brisket entirely differently... he normally outplaces me... so I can't criticize ... his technique and flavors are totally opposite mine ... but as of now.. brisket is his ball game... (I'll give him one more shot... then I am taking over)

overall it was a good weekend and a good first time out with the new team.. I am proud to have Bill as my partner................for now ;)
Gary in VA said:
I am proud to have Bill as my partner................for now ;)
One of the first things I said to Bill and Gary on Saturday was, "After watching you guys go at it on the board, I'm surprised to see you acting friendly to each other." :D

--John 8)
(In other words, don't take the trash talk too seriously. :roll: )
Here are the Fat Angel picture from Salisbury.

And Steve's comments.

This past Friday, we packed up and headed to Salisbury, Md for the Pork in the Park competition. It was our first KCBS competition with our new Meadow Creek Smoker and under our new team name Fat Angel BBQ. Loren and I are arrived around noon and set up the site. We were happy to be close to Chris from IQue and Vinny from Bad Bones BBQ. Scott arrived around 3 and we prepped all the meat. When we got our Perdue chickens, we rubbed them with some of the Dizzy Pig's finest rub. Then it was onto the chef’s choice where we tried to replicate Rich's coconut shrimp. We managed to screw it up and finished 30th. I now know how valuable Jeff is to Lost Nation. After the turn-ins, we got to enjoy some of our sponsor, Magic Hat’s fine beer with Chris from Dizzy Pig and Hillard from Free Range (I think Hillard is a converted customer). It was nice to see Dean Ayers, Steve Polson, and Steve Farrin. We were very happy to meet Tuffy and have a good conversation with him about different techniques of BBQ. Man can that guy cook - he just rolls in, dominates and rolls out…sounds like some cool smoke to me.

Scott was on the first round of manning the pit and he bundled up outside. I went to the car for few hours and woke up shivering; the next few hours were spent with the car running and the heat cranking. Scott decided to stay outside and almost freeze. After thawing out in the morning, we got our meat in our boxes and in on time. We then cracked a celebratory Fat Angel as it was the first time we have put all 4 KCBS categories in the boxes. I thought our chicken turned out great, ribs and pork ok, and I thought our brisket was dry and didn’t look good in the box. With 60 teams competing, we were just hoping for one call at the awards ceremony. When they began, we heard the recurring name of Cool Smoke; Tuffy walked in all 4 categories and won his 3rd GC of the year…Congrats Tuffy. After 39 awards without a call, we were pleasantly surprised to come home with a 1st place call in brisket; it was the first time we had ever cooked brisket on the new smoker. We were then even more surprised to see that we finished 4th overall against some pretty stiff competition. Our team really came together this weekend with Loren making sure we stuck to the schedule and with Scott being one heck of a co-pitmaster.

Congrats to Lunchmeat on a very impressive 3rd overall finish, to IQue for the perfect 180 in Chef’s Choice, to 3Eyz BBQ for winning the Maryland State Championship award and to Ribs Within for winning the Perdue chicken award with a chicken egg roll that wowed the judges. Thanks to Sandy Fulton - the Pork in the Pork festival is one of the best competitions of the year. The weather finally decided to cooperate and Saturday was in the Mid 70s. It was great to see everyone at the contest and look forward to seeing everyone again soon
brian j said:
i finially got the pics off my camera. like i said earlier, what a beautiful weekend.

Brian Thanks for posting the picks. I see a lot of faces I missed last weekend. Boy Kenny looks great, a little scruffy but great.

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