?? Saturday JEOPARDY

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
Did you know....
the standard weight of a ping-pong ball is .09 ounces, equivalent to 2.5 grams..........

the maximum weight for a tennis ball in professional play is 2 1/16 oz. (minimum is 2.0 oz.)
.JEOPARDY- "percussion"
1. ($200)- this large drum shares its name with another instrument in a standard rock band...
2. ($600)- varieties of cymbals include ride, splash, and this "loud" one...
3. ($1000)- this drum, used for military marching, shares it's name with a device to catch animals...
DOUBLE JEOPARDY- "invasions"
4. (400)- within hours of an august 1990 invasion, this country had complete control of one of it's neighbors...
5. ($1200)- ski boots were needed in quantity when Russia invaded this neighbor in 1939...
6. ($2000)- after the 1940 Nazi invasion of this country, Vidkun Quisling took power there...
FINAL JEOPARDY- "women authors"
7. a line in her first novel reads, "i am to replace my mother, whose seat at the mah-jongg table has been empty"
1. what is the bass (drum)?
2. what is a crash cymbal ?
3. what is a snare ?
4. what is Iraq ?
5. what is Finland?
6. what is Norway?
7. who is Amy Tan ?

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