Stuffed french bread TNT

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 30, 2004
Hollow out a round 8 oz. french bread saving the insides for later use. Meanwhile mix an 8oz pack of cream cheese with one cup of sour cream 1 four oz.pack of chipped beef chopped, 1/4 cup of sliced green onions several dashes of Worcestershire. 2 tab of finely chopped red pepper mix all together and put into your french bread round put top back on wrap in foil and bake at 300 for 1-1/2 hours remove from oven and use soft insides of bread to scoop out the hot filling as you get down and the removed bread is used up tear off the crust and continue eating.
Omg Kades. You are full of awesome recipes lately !!! This one looks soooo good.. I can see myself eating it straight from the oven.. and all of it !!!
Omg Kades. You are full of awesome recipes lately !!! This one looks soooo good.. I can see myself eating it straight from the oven.. and all of it !!!
Thank you Missy. I've done that Oh the guilt when done:LOL:
LOL well usually when I gorge on a whole loaf of bread it's not just me that's saying OH THE GUILT... it's my innards for two days!
C and P. Yikes, I'm afraid this one will disappear quickly. Thanks, Kades!
This sounds really good, but I've never heard of chipped beef. Is it like beef jerky? I never paid attention to it in stores is it easy to find?
Here you go Z!


  • chipped beef.jpg
    chipped beef.jpg
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Mom used to make SOS with that jar of beef. Fond memories. Seems to me it was cream, peas and sliced hard boiled eggs on toast.
I could see using really good sub-buns to make this in individual servings. then, I could eat it without blowing my carb allowance for two weeks in mone meal.:LOL:

Seeeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North

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