Hi everyone and a big welcome to our recent influx of FoodNetwork users. I thought I would take advantage of all our new users by asking you to submit suggestions and improvements for this site. I'm always keen to hear your ideas as I know this site is only as good as it's members
One improvement I added today was a little feature to prevent you from accidentally posting the same message twice.
So, please reply with your suggestions. I'm talking about things like the design of the site, whether you want different colours, or maybe there was something 'cool' that the FoodNetwork site does that this one doesn't.
Thanks. By the way, for day to day help be sure to contact KitchenElf as she is the 'boss' around here - I merely handle the technical side of things.
One improvement I added today was a little feature to prevent you from accidentally posting the same message twice.
So, please reply with your suggestions. I'm talking about things like the design of the site, whether you want different colours, or maybe there was something 'cool' that the FoodNetwork site does that this one doesn't.
Thanks. By the way, for day to day help be sure to contact KitchenElf as she is the 'boss' around here - I merely handle the technical side of things.