Tasso Ham

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Master Chef
Nov 10, 2010
Ottawa Valley, Ontario, Canada
Still working through the box of pork in the freezer..I had a pork butt left over so I cut it in half and am using one piece to make this...One inch steaks, covered in dry cure. Going in the fridge to cure for a few hours, then on to the smoker..stay tuned..


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Craig lets his cure for several days to a week, turning every day or so. Don't know if it makes a difference tastewise, but it certainly breaks up the work.
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Craig lets his cure for several days to a week, turning every day or so. Don't know if it makes a difference tastewise, but it certainly breaks up the work.

Yeah..I have seen those recipes..They are all over the map..I figured I'd go with the easy one today as I am here all day..I've seen some recipes that call for 2 hours in the cure all the way to one week..I plan to wrap and freeze tomorrow so a long cure isn't really neccessary, I don't think..I think it is all in the seasoning after you rinse off the cure..I also want to try and keep the sodium level down for my old ticker so a quick cure is probably better..I'll let you know and I'm not opposed to doing it longer...maybe I'll try it next time..
There is no rinsing off the cure in his recipe. It stays on. Have to admit though (and shhhh) I sometimes scrape some off when using it because it's SPICY.
The recipe I am using is from the book Charcuterie . It is a two step recipe..you dry brine then rinse the meat, dry it and then rub with seasoning blend...there are many ways from what I have found during my research..
Just tried a piece..really good and really spicey..I cheated a bit and added some Slap Ya Mamma White pepper blend to my seasoning..


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The recipe I am using is from the book Charcuterie . It is a two step recipe..you dry brine then rinse the meat, dry it and then rub with seasoning blend...there are many ways from what I have found during my research..
Just tried a piece..really good and really spicey..I cheated a bit and added some Slap Ya Mamma White pepper blend to my seasoning..
I have the book Charcuterie but don't recall seeing a recipe for Tasso. Could it have another name?
Haven't seen Rocklobster since August, hope he'll see this and let you know. Know he's a busy guy.
Maybe someone else here has this book and can help you out?
Haven't seen Rocklobster since August, hope he'll see this and let you know. Know he's a busy guy.
Maybe someone else here has this book and can help you out?
Yeah it's an old thread so long shot on replies. I have the book, dug it up and found the recipe. I'd just missed it in the past. Thanks dragnlaw.
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