TGIF 2023 July 21 what was on your plate?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
I cooked some brown basmati rice. I made a batch of vinaigrette using Portuguese EVOO and Portuguese red wine vinegar. I made a salad of green crisp lettuce, romaine lettuce, carrots, red onion, celery, corn, and peas. I roasted a half a chicken that I bought already marinaded in a piripiri marinade. That was deeeelicious. But, I need to find a Portuguese source for piripiri marinade. It was very good, but not quite the way I remember it from a well loved Portuguese resto. And since i bought this with my produce basket, the website tells me where they sourced the chicken. it's local and tasty and where I get the majority of my chicken.

Store bought PiriPiri chicken, brown rice, and salad with homemade vinaigrette.jpg
We dragged the bbq out and I made teriyaki chicken skewers. Earlier, I made mac salad (we went to a couple of the "gourmet" shops here at the beach and none had a decent looking selection in the deli)...we also split a baked sweet potato and a chopped green salad. Big dinner as the place we chose for lunch was recently sold and the experience left us sad.
Light Mediterranean-style dinner last night. I made basil pesto and tzatziki with herbs from my garden. DH made bruschetta with the pesto - toasted baguette topped with pesto, chopped tomatoes and more Parmesan cheese and we had pita chips with the tzatziki. There's also a stuffed grape leaf.
Forgot the picture!
There was a big box of organic baby spinach, about a lb brought home from shopping yesterday.
I filled a 4 cup bowl, then topped it with half of a meal sized salad I'd already made, some caesar dressing I'd made.
Mr bliss had the salad, and chopped baked potatoes and baked beans.

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