The Person Below Me

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I've only had it once and it had a horrid burn smell going on. I would like to try a better made bowl sometime.

Drinks a lot of water
nope i think you should do whatever it is you are doing right now!

TPBM thinks my kids rule the house cuz I'm here all the time.
YES!! So I'm going to Mexico to borrow one from the Sun God!!

likes to cook alone in the kitchen without "help"
LOL.. surfing the web I can do at work... sleeping might be pushing it a little.

likes Fridays better than Sundays
depends on what time sunday. noon sunday is better than 7 pm friday!

TPBM ate too much cookie dough.
Actually I like Saturdays better than either Friday or Sunday because I actually get to spend time with my DH.

TPBM has never had a mojito
Do you realize that four of us all an answered the same line about Fridays and Sundays?

I haven't made the cookie dough yet
I haven't had a mojito
I like Mars better than Snickers
Yes, I worry like crazy

TPBM is as confused in this game as I am!
yep, and she's wondering who else is answering at the same time this time!

TPBM wants to go outside.
I don't want to - hot & muggy, but the weiner dog is sitting with legs and eyes crossed for the past hour, so right after I post this

tpbm gas prices have hit $4.00 a gallon

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