Thursday, January 18, 2024, what's for dinner?

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
Used a slab of prime rib from the freezer leftover from Christmas, steamed some carrots, sauteed some onions, garlic, criminis, added some Better Than Bouillon beef gravy with a dash of worchestershire, topped with some mashed potatoes, baked until everything was bubbly and potatoes browned a bit. No picture.

The BTB gravy was fine but I honestly didn't see much difference in it and the Heinz brand.
Making some comfort food today...I made some meatballs in the oven and they are now sitting cozy in a big pot of spaghetti sauce. Later it will be served over some thin spaghetti and along side some garlic bread. Do I see meatball subs in the near future....? :unsure:
I started by thinking I'd make Dauphinoise potatoes which should have been fairly easy to make with garlic, cream, cheese, milk and a tablespoon of mustard. The potatoes are to be sliced thin and then boiled in the sauce before being put in the oven.

Well, I've never had success getting potatoes soft enough by boiling them in sauce, so I boiled them in water for 15 minutes first and naturally over boiled them so they were mush. That was OK, because my second choice for dinner was creamy make-ahead mashed potatoes with cream cheese, sour cream, butter, green onions, cheese, bacon, and garlic.

So to the now mushy potatoes I added Alfredo sauce, garlic, a little cream, Parmesan cheese, sour cream, chives, and two cups of Mozzarella cheese along with a couple cups of chopped ham and I sprinkled some cheddar cheese over the top before it went into the oven. I think I ended up with either a very, very thick potato soup or somewhat thin mashed potatoes with cheese and ham and it wasn't that bad. I ate it with a spoon, but it'll probably thicken up in the fridge.

But I don't know what to call it.
Leave out the Alfredo sauce and it's sort of a Casserole de Pommes de Terre, Oignons et Bacon (Potato, Onion and Bacon Casserole).
I found out at roughly 9:00 am that I'd be home in time to cook dinner. I asked my daughter to get a 2 lb package of ground chuck from the freezer so I could make burgers. When I got home between 2:30 and 3:00, the meat was still mostly frozen. It was clear it would not thaw in time for me to form my burgers. So we got deep dish pizza from Lou Malnati's; sausage pieces and spinach mix for the wife and myself; pepperoni for my daughter (butter crust on both, naturally).

Good stuff. Expensive as hell, but good.
Making some comfort food today...I made some meatballs in the oven and they are now sitting cozy in a big pot of spaghetti sauce. Later it will be served over some thin spaghetti and along side some garlic bread. Do I see meatball subs in the near future....? :unsure:
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