Today's Funny

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As a Linux/Windows/Android family, Himself and I found this very amusing. ;)

Funny or not, what I want to know why in the world it's going to cost $1000 bucks? Either one of them. It's beyond craziness.
Funny or not, what I want to know why in the world it's going to cost $1000 bucks? Either one of them. It's beyond craziness.
No facts to back this up but, to me, the answer is because people WILL pay the $1000... :rolleyes:

I also remember when internet access was cheap... Not good but cheap.. Yes, R&D is expensive but, with the amount of people using the internet now, I'd think it would be less expensive rather than more..

Don't get me started on prescription medications.. :glare:

Seems to me that if a company can report earnings of multi millions (billions) of dollars, the consumers are getting taken, pricewise..


I'm soooo not understanding this. I can't read the chalk word in the middle of the sign. Could someone enlighten me?

"Today's soup is beer."

Then it has the hashtag for pizza rocks IV or whatever it was, can't remember and can't see attachments when I'm in "Reply."

We were in Las Vegas, staying Downtown with DH's family
as a group vacation.
We were all walking around and I saw this sandwich board out in front
of this restaurant and it struck my funny bone,
"Today's Soup is BEER"
We didn't eat there, but I just thought that was pretty funny.
A personal pet peeve:


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