Today's harvest

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Meryl, how about if you left the plums just halved? Sort of like whole slices of pineapple upside down cake? But whether cut side down or up... hmm, :unsure:
Compote and your porridge have nothing in common with an English Plum Pudding! "Plum Pudding" contains bread, suet, raisins, candied fruit peel, spices, brown sugar and whiskey!

ahh... sorry, I get it now, you are referring to a pudding or custard such as made with a milk type thing. Got it!

"Pudding" can be virtually anything sweet in the UK. It is commonly used as the American term, "dessert." And as Pink Floyd made very clear, "You can't have any pudding if you don't eat your meat." :LOL:

Meryl, how about if you left the plums just halved? Sort of like whole slices of pineapple upside down cake? But whether cut side down or up... hmm, :unsure:
Yes, it would have been better to cut them in half or wedges, but they were too ripe and much too small to do that, unfortunately.
Yes, my tree at the farm gave me a tons of plums one year, but so small!!! and I had to go thru them carefully as some beetle was boring into them and hard to spot the little holes.
I don't think you can take a road from here to Meryl's place. ;) It would need to be an airplane or by sea.
Maybe my bad, you said we'd need to go by plane or sea.
I took that to mean we could not call it a 'Road Trip'.

I just figured as long as we traveled by car you could still call it a Road Trip even if it was on a ferry... (or cargo plane?)
Maybe my bad, you said we'd need to go by plane or sea.
I took that to mean we could not call it a 'Road Trip'.

I just figured as long as we traveled by car you could still call it a Road Trip even if it was on a ferry... (or cargo plane?)
I think that it counts as a road trip if you use the car for driving parts of the trip, even if you have to take it on a plane or ferry. I don't think there are ferries from North America to Europe, cargo ships yes, ferries no.

I was trying to say that a road trip involves driving your car or motorcycle or other land vehicle. So, since there is this big frelling ocean between us and Meryl, that a road trip wouldn't be possible.
How about
I think that it counts as a road trip if you use the car for driving parts of the trip, even if you have to take it on a plane or ferry. I don't think there are ferries from North America to Europe, cargo ships yes, ferries no.

I was trying to say that a road trip involves driving your car or motorcycle or other land vehicle. So, since there is this big frelling ocean between us and Meryl, that a road trip wouldn't be possible.

Unless you get your car shipped over! 😃

Here's are recipe for Danish plum porridge, a really lovely dessert. I translated it into English.

I made the dessert but reduced the doses, for only 100g of plums. I'm sorry I forgot to take a photo, it turned out soupy/puddingy - a cross between the two😃, perhaps because the plums were so ripe and small, but it was very tasty. 👍
I made the dessert but reduced the doses, for only 100g of plums. I'm sorry I forgot to take a photo, it turned out soupy/puddingy - a cross between the two😃, perhaps because the plums were so ripe and small, but it was very tasty. 👍
Maybe it's something about reducing the amount of corn starch in the recipe or putting too much water when making the corn starch slurry.
I got a few more things out there today, with some more that are maybe one day away from ready. I got the first eggplants today, and quite a few more of those Big Mics - definitely the earliest peppers yet. I got a few more sunsugars and a fully ripe juliet, with several more half-ripe ones on those. And I got several half-ripe Napa Rose, and one Zluta Kytice. And a few others just showing hints of ripening, but not enough to pick them. And one cucumber about 6", with several almost as large, but I have to use 2 in the fridge before picking any!
First eggplant of the season - an Ichiban, and 2 Asian Delights, plus more of those Big Mic peppers, 6-24 by pepperhead212, on Flickr
Was supposed to be rather wet today but turned out to be very sunny. Went to fetch our (backyard) chickens which somehow multiplied to 7 from the original 5 :ninja:. See, can't even trust me at a hatchery!

I finally got to dust the garden with DE. Did the tomatoes, one plant just wilted and died, no idea why. Also the Brussel sprouts (which haven't been bitten) Think a Broccoli stem is making a comeback and maybe a 2nd one. Other two are goners. Sprinkled potatoes, green and yellow beans. Did not do the peas as I saw no sign of being chewed/bitten or otherwise.

None of the Sunflower seeds made an appearance nor did the pole beans. At one point I thought I saw a couple of pole beans but then... nothing.

Grabbed a chicken to band and promptly got gouged on both arms by the sharp claws. Only banded one - will do the others later - with long sleeves on. :rolleyes:
I got a few more tomatoes ripening today, mostly sunsugar, but a few more juliet, napa rose, zluta kytice, and the first 4 Bronze Torch Hybrids. These look very much like the Green Tigers I grew years ago, which were some of the best tasting and producing, until they started splitting one year. Hopefully, this will be like the old ones, with no splitting. I got a couple of juliets with BER, but I think it was just from growing against the irrigation line - one of the Early Blue Ribbons did this, before I could catch it, and I had to pull it.
First cucumber, and more tomatoes. 6-25 That Bronze Torch Hybrid looks much like the Green Tiger I grew years ago, until they started splitting uncontrollably. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
Pepper, your like my future, always a week or two ahead of me. gives me something to look forward too.

Did pick my garlic today. Overall a success. One bed was a little water-logged. Im guessing cause it gets a little more shade than the other bed, which was perfect.

Picked enough kirbie's to make my first few batches of pickles ( Ill do it tomorrow).

Also made a batch of sauerkraut and pickled cabbage.


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Tomatoes are starting to ripen quickly - got about 2 qts of cherries, and the slightly larger ones, plus one more eggplant and one more cucumber. It's that time of year again!
What? Tomato Hell is here already?;) It hasn't reached our part of the country yet.
Canning tomatoes during the hottest part of the year is what we call Tomato Hell. ha ha.
Our tomato plants aren't big enough to make tomatoes, they are just teenagers right now.

We picked our biggest raspberry day, 513 berries. I cook them slightly and freeze, we have a little over 3 qts now. I need 6 qts for a batch of raspberry jam or puree. I mill out the seeds, then reduce the volume by half. Then can.
Last year our peak raspberry picking was around 300/day. (oh and we used some in smoothies too)
The rest of the garlic came out today, 403 is the final total. Mr bliss did most of the work. I pulled them at an angle and I didn't knock enough dirt off of them.....
500+ raspberries.
By the way, what type of garlic do you grow? Garlic has different soil requirements depending on the variety. That's why I only grow one type. I've forgotten its name because I replant the same bulbs every year😊
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