Today's harvest

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We're still doing tomatoes, plenty of salad vegetables, fennel just about over, basil still going strong, all the other herbs still producing, carrots the same, same with the onions and garlic finished, most things already done, like bottling and freezing, pumpkins not yet ready, what we're really starting to check every day are the vineyards, it looks like an early year this year.....
our vineyard's very small, much smaller than the others, but they're commercial vineyards, but looks like a good year's on the way unless it starts raining!

di reston

Enough is never as good as a feast Oscar Wilde
We have so far this summer gotten 2 tiny chilies, 2 pea size tomatoes, 3 wild strawberries and a lot of chocolate mint and pineapple sage. And the season is over soon and now the tomatoes are full of green tomatoes and the wild strawberries has gone from half dead to full of leaf...
We have so far this summer gotten 2 tiny chilies, 2 pea size tomatoes, 3 wild strawberries and a lot of chocolate mint and pineapple sage. And the season is over soon and now the tomatoes are full of green tomatoes and the wild strawberries has gone from half dead to full of leaf...

What is the average temperature there? Chiles and tomatoes need lots of sunshine and warmth.

Green tomatoes will ripen off the vine, or you can make fried green tomatoes or green tomato gratin.
This summer we have had between 22- 35 C, so it hasnt been too cold, the wild strawberries was getting into bloom in May when we had freak snow fall, yes it went from 17C to 0 in one day, next day it was back up to 12 C.

And I tried new type of tomatoes that was supposed to give us lots of tomatoes quickly, 4 of my neighbors tried the same breed and at most we have gotten 2 or 3 tiny ones 3 months of being out, it said 3- 4 weeks...
We have lots of pea sizes green ones.
Picked a peck of peppers yesterday ;) Anaheim, Cubanelle, jalapeño and poblano. Need to get going on roasting, peeling and freezing most of them.


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I'm so jealous! Poblanos! I can often get them in the large grocers in Toronto if and when I go there, but seeing as trips are far and few between...

It is not a popular pepper here. You never see them in the nurseries in the spring. I ask at all the markets hoping to put a couple of bees in their bonnets. One guy who usually does them did not this year, sigh... and I haven't gone to Toronto lately...
Looking good!
Ive tried asparagus a number of times, problem is, I don't have a bed I can devote to just one crop, so ultimately, the asparagus has to go. But when I did have it, i loved it. Especially since its one of the first things that I could harvest.
My mom had a beautiful bed of asparagus, unfortunately they kept disappearing and she couldn't figure out who was getting them. Then she discovered her own dog was carefully nipping them off and munching away.

The next thing was one of her grandsons' helped her put her gardens 'to bed' one winter and covered it with straw. The asparagus still grew but so did a gazillion weeds, making it very difficult to even find them.

I have some wild ones growing on the edge of a paddock - I usually find them after they've become 5' tall! :LOL:
Beautiful! We are working on an asparagus bed at Mom's, it hasn't produced anything yet this spring.

Spring has come absurdly early here.

When I left Ohio 4 years ago, I left my recently established second bed of asparagus behind, so I'm pretty excited to be harvesting from my third bed. This photo shows the total harvest the day I posted the above photo. I like to harvest in the mornings, but cold weather was predicted that night so I harvested 4 more stalks before they potentially turned to popsicles.


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Friday's harvest: the peppers are abundant this year! Jalapeños and cubanelles! The tomatoes are ripening and the cucumbers are climbing! I love garden-fresh vegetables! 0623172025_HDR.jpg0623172016_HDR.jpg
Looks Great!

I a few weeks behind you ( up here).
Chard is of abundance and healthy, already did the chard ( spinach) pie thing several times.
Picked a few string beans, expect them to really kick in next week.
Have several peppers, but many flowers ( and a lot of bees) so I expect a decent year
Eggplants don't seem to be as happy as usual.
cakes doing well, but still another few weeks to go.

Love this time of year.
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