Tuesday 1/24/2017 What's on the menu?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
It will probably be a replay of last nights dinner for family. Not sure what I want.
After getting bumped off flights on Sunday, and only able to get to Detroit last night, and finally back to MN today at 12:30 p.m., the elders are getting leftovers and I'm going to bed. My little guy was such a good sport about all of that, but I got really tired of having to haul my carry-on luggage and checked baggage back to my friends' house in Ottawa, and back to the airport, back through security, back through customs and back through all the terminals, I gave up. I checked everything except the little guy and my papers this morning. I was tired of schlepping stuff. Tired of waiting, tired of being asked time and time again for the little guy's docs. You would've thought when they cancelled my ticket, they would've carried his information to the next ticket. So glad to see my friend's husband at the airport--so glad to get to change out of the clothes I had been in since Sunday.

There is leftover stew and leftover spaghetti. Tomorrow I will cook.
I'll be pan roasting a couple of chicken breasts and making some pilaf and steamed carrots.
Apparently, DH has been starving to death during my absence. He reported eating nothing but carrots last night. I did remind him that we have a full freezer of soups and such.

I'm just getting back from Washington, DC, so I'll have to figure out what to feed the poor man.
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DH offered to take us out to dinner tonight, but it's cold and snowing and the only place around us open for dinner on Tuesday doesn't look appealing to us...
It's going to be homemade Raviolis and Sweet Italian Sausage, easy


I could have sworn I had one more TJ's Half Baked mini ciabatta but alas, I do not
I just reported the idiot who started this thread with the wrong date!!:ohmy:

One of the first things I do when I go to the market, is head for the 50% off section in the meat department. I learned that on the pull date of the item, they mark it down 50%! Today I scored 2 one pound porterhouse steaks and a boneless chuck roast. Kayelle is cooking the steaks for dinner tonight:yum:
One of the first things I do when I go to the market, is head for the 50% off section in the meat department. I learned that on the pull date of the item, they mark it down 50%! Today I scored 2 one pound porterhouse steaks and a boneless chuck roast. Kayelle is cooking the steaks for dinner tonight:yum:

I must be going to the wrong stores!
SC, which one are you going to? Vonn's? and what day of the week?
I've been looking for boneless chuck less than $4/lb for pot roast :ermm:
New York Strips I get at Costco for about $7/lb, flank for $6/lb, chuck/stew meat $4/lb... oh and add 9+% for tax here... WHAT?!!! This county is authorized to charge tax on FOOD!!! JEEZ! This ain't Hawaii for cryin' out loud !!! :furious:
Dear K Girl,
I go to my local Von's here in Santa Paula. At the end of the meat section, there is a little section called "Manager's Specials".
I learned from the butchers at the market to check the pull dates on what I was interested in. I had been eyeing some chicken wings at $2.99 a pound. On the pull date, I made an early morning pilgrimage, and scored 4 packs of chicken wings at 50% off!
On another occasion, I found 4 packs of beer bratwurst at the same discount.
It's fun! Von's is the only game in town here.
I think I'm going to order in pizza in tonight and not cook. With my eyes still dilated, I can't see anything unless it's right in front of my nose. It's like not having my glasses on and without my glasses, I couldn't find my way out of a paper bag.

Edit: scratch that. I just remembered I paid $330 down on my new glasses today and now I have no more money. Oh, heck, maybe I'll just put money in the vending machine, hit the buttons and call it a surprise dinner.

EDIT AGAIN: WAIT, I don't have any money!

OK, maybe pancakes. Even I can't get into much trouble making pancakes.
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Oooh....looks yummy Kgirl. :yum: I need to make some stuffed pasta to freeze for later meals, been craving it.

Everyone's dinners sound so good tonight, as always! Very inspiring. I ended up with a pan fried and then braised pork chop, a baked potato with sour cream and chives, and steamed broccoli. There's about half of everything left over for tomorrow - my eyes are always bigger than my belly. :ermm::LOL:

RR, sure hope you're better tomorrow, sweetie! Sucks not to be able to see. Been there.

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