Tuesday March 7, 2023 Dinner

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Master Chef
Apr 18, 2005
Northern New Mexico
We had frito pies for dinner. What you can't see is the base of the salad; pinto beans and Red, meat seasoned with red chile powder. What did you fix?


  • frito pie_IMG_5140.jpg
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I had some broccoli florets to use up, along with some red bell peppers, so I made a one dish salad, using those, and some barley and channa dal, and I made some pesto, from the hydroponics basil. I also added some garlic chives at the end, which are starting to grow out there now. I cooked it all in the Instant Pot, the barley first, then the dal, then just steamed the broccoli, while getting the rest of the ingredients ready.
A barley, channa dal, broccoli, and bell pepper salad, with pesto. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

I also made some banana and pineapple smoothie (flavored with some coconut) - one of my favorites.
We cleared out some leftovers. We finished off the chicken in curry sauce and we finished off the last of the Danish meatloaf. I made Danish smørrebrød with the meatloaf on rugbrød (Danish heavy rye bread) and garnished with rødkål (Danish pickled red cabbage). We made some more sandwiches and had a leisurely supper. Oh look what I found - my post waiting to be posted.

Forloren hare on rugbrød with rødkål.jpg
Stir Fry - very loosely based on a JOC's recipe.
Pork, onion, mushroom, carrot, cabbage, of course prerequisite garlic and ginger. SoySauce, Sake, Oyster Sauce, Sesame Oil.

delish, really good, very tasty - ate 2 plates, no left overs :(

Andy, would be interested in that Ham and Potato Casserole, please.
. . . Andy, would be interested in that Ham and Potato Casserole, please.
The recipe is for a 13x9 baking dish. I cut it in half for an 8x8. Used extra ham, potato and cheese. Next time will add some green veggie, broccoli maybe.

Stir Fry - very loosely based on a JOC's recipe.
Pork, onion, mushroom, carrot, cabbage, of course prerequisite garlic and ginger. SoySauce, Sake, Oyster Sauce, Sesame Oil.

delish, really good, very tasty - ate 2 plates, no left overs :(

Andy, would be interested in that Ham and Potato Casserole, please.
JOC, Joy of Cooking?
taxy, there's a blog by Nami, Japanese, she often refers to it as JOC, Just One Cook. Although I often use Joy of Cooking, never even noticed the similarity. In future, I will try to remember to use Just One C and Joy of C. ;)
yeah sure, CG, no problem. Was only because I so often see it referred to as JOC, I, wrongly, assumed most would know. I've never heard Joy of Cooking referred to that way. Maybe because it was around way before the internet. Back then people didn't have to abbreviate like they seem to have a fixation to do so now.
Like @taxlady, I thought it was Joy of Cooking - except I probably would have used a lower case "a".

I get confused if someone uses only abbreviations in a post. If the full name is written out earlier in the post, it's pretty easy to follow along.

And sometimes even the full name confuses me. Take @Andy M.'s "ACS". I finally remember when he posts that in the dinner thread he means American Chop Suey - or what I grew up calling Johnny Marzetti, the Midwest name for ground meat and pasta. In our house, American Chop Suey was LaChoy cans and beef strips. Regional lingo differences.
Like @taxlady, I thought it was Joy of Cooking - except I probably would have used a lower case "a".

I get confused if someone uses only abbreviations in a post. If the full name is written out earlier in the post, it's pretty easy to follow along.

And sometimes even the full name confuses me. Take @Andy M.'s "ACS". I finally remember when he posts that in the dinner thread he means American Chop Suey - or what I grew up calling Johnny Marzetti, the Midwest name for ground meat and pasta. In our house, American Chop Suey was LaChoy cans and beef strips. Regional lingo differences.
And sometimes brand names that I don't ever remember seeing, like LaChoy, are confusing. I looked it up. It says that it's ingredients for American Chinese dishes. So, your America Chop Suey, was a home version of an American Chinese resto dish? That's what I assumed it was, when I first came across the name "American chop suey".
Is it okay to use WW for whole wheat?
What did I eat last night? I had some planned over potato hash with mustard sauce and ketchup. mmmmmmmm
Is it okay to use WW for whole wheat?
What did I eat last night? I had some planned over potato hash with mustard sauce and ketchup. mmmmmmmm
I think WW is usually easy to figure out from context. But, maybe it's more obvious to someone who usually chooses whole wheat.
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