Wednesday, July 19, 2023 - National Hotdog Day - so what did you have???

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Dec 6, 2009
Mid-Atlantic, USA
We had liver and onions, mashed potatoes, applesauce, refrigerator pickles and ice cream cake for dessert!

I had breakfast for dinner: fermented 9 grain flakes, carrot slaw, blackberry puree, raisins, flax/chia, cinnamon. Breakfast and lunch were, open faced avocado tomato sandwiches, stir fry veggies with garlic sauce over brown basmati.
Blackberry frozen bar for dessert.
I had a Hebrew National 3oz hot dog on an Artesano sausage bun with Ted's hotdog sauce and Weber's horseradish mustard, potato salad, and a zero sugar Pepsi pleae.
Well, boo! Back to the drawing board?
Not sure what i did wrong. I'm sure it was a bad recipe ;). Those in a store/fair are soft and fluffy and better sticks perfectly. Mine were not fluffy at all. Were grainy and did not stick to the hot dogs.:(
@CharlieD It may have been the batter. I keep thinking that I want to try this recipe. If I make it, I will cut the sugar way back to no more than 1/4 cup because I don't want my corndogs to taste like candy. ;) Also, I will use white cornmeal because that is what I keep on-hand. I might also use buttermilk instead of regular milk.

To get the batter to stick better, I will let hotdogs sit out for 20 minutes or so before wiping them dry. A trick my grandmother taught me when it comes to coating almost anything.

I have a cast iron deep fryer as pictured in this recipe link. Last of all, I would use a high heat oil and make certain that the temperature is 350 degrees Fahrenheit or better before dropping a corndog in. "expert" advice from someone who has never made them. Let me know if you give it a try. :LOL:
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