I'm very excited - my trainer measured my body fat on the thingy you hold in your hands (the one where you input your height, weight and age) and my body fat has gone from 19.8 to 17.6 in 5 weeks. woo hoo!
Also, here's a tip that is not only fun, it actually works...
next time you're on the stairmaster at the gym...
do 5 minutes of regular stair climbing, followed by
5 minutes of walking DOWN for 5 minutes(so you're facing the other way), followed by walking up for 5, only this time, you are going every other step. So, if you put your left foot down, your right foot lifts behind you (think ice skating) as high as you can get it comfortably. Then, skip a stair and when you put your right foot down, your left foot does the lift behind you. Your jeans will look better I promise!