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How is everyone doing, I lost another 3 pounds last week, the weight loss is speeding up again, now that I am doing weight training, my metabolism is whizzing along - and I have dangerous amounts of energy!!! And I fit into two summer dresses that I have never worn and unearthed from their plastic bags at the weekend, bad news is, I think they'll only fit for another month!!!
I've started watching portion size and without changing anything else I've lost 4 pounds in two weeks. If I add the "E" word it would really help!!!!!

Good job kyles!!!!
I used to hate the "E" word, but now I like it!!!! I had a great excuse for not going to the gym yesterday though, it was under 3 inches of water!!!! So I swum instead LOL But in the pool not in the gym!!!!
That is absolutely awesome!!

I feel very sedentary - I've been so busy with company etc, I skipped 4 days at the gym...and I think they're closed tomorrow for the holiday! Looks like Tuesday will be quite the workout day for me!!!
Wow spice!

Well Im continuing to lose weight but I dont own a scale. I just cant wait to get some cash together so I can buy that exercise bike I've been eying for a while. I've got a bad knee so I need something safe to do exercise on.
where was I when this thread started???? Man just by all your positive attitudes alone would have taken off any extra weight I had! I actually went back to work....shhh....not everyone knows this.....and I am SURE i lost weight but I stepped on the scale and it said i never...hmmmm....the scale always lies. Anyways, the point being it felt good. Well, anyhoo, I may be popping in here more....hope no one minds the intrusion??????
tancowgirl2000 said:
where was I when this thread started???? Man just by all your positive attitudes alone would have taken off any extra weight I had! I actually went back to work....shhh....not everyone knows this.....and I am SURE i lost weight but I stepped on the scale and it said i never...hmmmm....the scale always lies. Anyways, the point being it felt good. Well, anyhoo, I may be popping in here more....hope no one minds the intrusion??????

Well it's never really an issue about weight specifically. I remember when I was on a diet and going to the gym daily I never lost a pound... it was being replaced by muscle. While weight is decieving how you feel is very important...
ok.. I'm back on the wagon!! lol. I fell off a few months ago and have been going UP UP UP instead of down down down. NOT a good thing.

The last three days though I've been riding my bike and doing my stretches and cutting back on the calories. Down one pound!

I bought a pair of cool jeans ( two sizes toooo small) yesterday. And I have them hanging in front of my bike. Kind of like the carrot in front of the horse. I will make my self fit into them before the summer is over. I will! I will! I will!

Weighed myself today and well....I couldnt tell you if I lost anything cuz I think the last time I was on a scale was when I was pregnant, so this is my starting point, which of course makes me cry...hehehe, anyways, now I know and now I have a goal.......
so i told my ol' man that I had to go buy my wedding dress.....we put it off till next year...he told me I have to go off my diet so the dress will still fit me.....how odd is that???
Tanis, never go on a diet for anyone else. Do it for your health and your self esteem.
Maybe he said it, because he was afraid that if you lost any more weight you'd be out of his league!

Keep us updated on your progress, please!

And best of luck all! We are in swimsuit season (ack!)
naw he said it cuz he doesnt want to pay for another weddign dress!!! LMAO!!! I'm doing it for me...if he doesn't like it too bad!!! I could stay the way I am and live with it....I mean Im not obese or anything, I just want to lose it cuz I know I can!!!
Well, today I tipped the scales at 193 lbs. Bear in mind, two years ago I weighed a whopping 280 lbs!:ohmy: I still probably got about 20-ish left to lose. I'm not really sure what my ideal weight is. I weighed 165 in college, and while I was pretty athletic and fit, I did have a few extra pounds from attending several kegger per week!:ROFLMAO: My guess is that I'd be pretty happy with 175 now, but we'll see when I get there.

The combination of Atkins and Matt Furey's Combat Conditioning has worked wonders for me.:mrgreen:
First time here

First time here - have ben trying to get rid of some weight which i need to do for health and other reasons so far am down 11 pounds. Should be easier in the summer with all the fresh fruit and vegies around but this darn heat knocks me out and am doing nothing but sitting all day
Keep up the good work all who are trying to get rid of a bit of weight
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