Wendy's Brand New Sea Salt French Fries review....

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004
The commericals are even out touting they have a new French fry and you know I just had to try them out.

What you do get are thinner fries, but they leave the skins on them to match more of a French fry from Arby's.

The new French fry here does become a more darker fry that makes them look better imo.

The sodium content is much higher than the previous French fry though.

I agree that you can taste more sodium, that can be a problem for some people. I woner how the fries would taste with the sodium level from the previous fries though.

McDoanlds has a much lower sodium count for their French fry compared to Wendys though, Arbys though has a really high sodium count though and the largest serving size of the fast food joints I looked at for comparison.

The taste was better imo as they really improved on their boring frech fry.

I will give this product a big thumbs up even with the higher sodium.
I bought one sandwich from Arby's. The edges of the meat were green. I've never been back.
Lots of salt is right. I got a order today with my fish sandwich and was only able to eat a few of them. Don't get me wrong, I like salt on my fries, but these were too salty even for me.
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