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Boy you sure know how to have fun. Are you sure this much excitement isn't too much for you? :LOL:
:LOL:It probably isn't as much excitement as watching the frost form on the windows in the winter. You gotta make your own fun sometimes. If it is construction holidays, there isn't a lot to do on the Island right about now. I'd say TL's done well to find something so exciting to do on a Friday afternoon when everyone else is well on the way to the cottage. For all we know, the dw repairman was a hottie :ohmy:.
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We have just been over to mums to drop off our older TV for here to have and set it up in her bedroom for her :)

Also had a cup of coffee and took her some of the Strawberry Cake I made yesterday :yum:
Nice, Kylie. :) I'm sure mum really appreciates that.


I just got the kitchen all cleaned up and am going to lay down on the couch and find a movie. It's only just a few minutes before 9PM but I'm tired...nighty all, see ya tomorrow. :):sleep:
I am about to have some vanilla ice cream with either chocolate sauce or fresh blueberries. The berries are healthier and the chocolate could give me a migraine. Nah, there's always Tylenol, right? :rolleyes:

Chocolate it is!
Thanks Cheryl and Addie :)

I really love my mum and we always try to help her in anyway we can and do nice things for her :)
LPBeier said:
I am about to have some vanilla ice cream with either chocolate sauce or fresh blueberries. The berries are healthier and the chocolate could give me a migraine. Nah, there's always Tylenol, right? :rolleyes:

Chocolate it is!

Blueberries are about the only thing that can trump chocolate for me! :)
Hope the ice-cream was good. I had ice-cream at Culvers last night (actually they say it is custard).
Kylie1969 said:
Thanks Cheryl and Addie :)

I really love my mum and we always try to help her in anyway we can and do nice things for her :)

Treasure your moments with Mum. I bet she really loves you too! :) You are a great daughter!
Kylie one of the main things I have taught my children and others around me is, "You don't want to live with the 'ifonlies'. If only I had... You get the message. As a result I have some truly wonderful children.

My oldest son stops in every day to make sure I am all right. My youngest son lives too far away in case of an emergency. He is a Physician Assistant and is my medical proxy. If there is a serious medical question, my oldest son calls him immediately. My daughter has her own problems. Even though she only lives about 45 seconds away, she takes care of her husband and is trying to get her daughter through college. He husband is a cancer survivor. But the chemo treatment was extremely aggressive and left him in not such good shape. Son #2 lives about 20 minutes away. But he does stop in at least once a month and calls several times. So I am well looked after without having my independence compomised. And that is the important thing. Elderly folks are afraid of losing their independence. So as she gets older always try to help her maintain that independence. My daughter bought me a lightweight wheelchair that we take on weekends to go shopping. I cannot walk around a store. But I can wheel around and still go shopping. My oldest son takes me grocery shopping every month. He brings my bags into my apartment and puts all the groceries away. And he makes sure the items I use most are in reaching distance. I am only 4'8" tall. It is the little things they do that help me stay independent. My mind is still sharp and they know it. Hopefully it will stay that way. So make sure you don't live with the "ifonlies" later on in life when it is too late to make ammends. I am sure your visits are very important to your mother. Call her if you can't get to see her. Let her know you are thinking of her. You don't need a reason to think. :):angel:
Getting ready to kick back for a little while after our lunch.

It seems as though I get tired more easily since my hand surgery. I suppose that's because everything takes lot longer to do, I'm using less often used muscles more and/or in different ways and also because my left hand is in as bad a state as my right one was before the surgery.

A new cast was put on after the stitches were removed on Thursday and it was way farther up my forearm than the original one. This posed a myriad of problems and the area above the cast was becoming terribly bruised.

Glenn came to my rescue a little while ago with some of his auto body tools when he cut about a 2-inch cuff off the top. Hooray! I can now touch my face. I couldn't get my hand even a foot away before he did his little "chop-chop" trick. I'm a happy camper.

So, now that that little hiccup has been handled I'm going to lean back on the sofa, turn on my latest audio book and let the narrator take me away.
Getting ready to kick back for a little while after our lunch.

It seems as though I get tired more easily since my hand surgery. I suppose that's because everything takes lot longer to do, I'm using less often used muscles more and/or in different ways and also because my left hand is in as bad a state as my right one was before the surgery.

A new cast was put on after the stitches were removed on Thursday and it was way farther up my forearm than the original one. This posed a myriad of problems and the area above the cast was becoming terribly bruised.

Glenn came to my rescue a little while ago with some of his auto body tools when he cut about a 2-inch cuff off the top. Hooray! I can now touch my face. I couldn't get my hand even a foot away before he did his little "chop-chop" trick. I'm a happy camper.

So, now that that little hiccup has been handled I'm going to lean back on the sofa, turn on my latest audio book and let the narrator take me away.

Katie tiring easily after surgery is very common. In fact I would worry if that didn't happen. You will find that you hit that 3:00 o'clock wall every day. It is your body's way of telling you to slow down. Take a break. Even a nap. Listen to your body. Your body has been invaded. And it needs time to heal itself. Let it. I know only too well, after a plethera of surgeries, of what I say. You may never get a chance to rest this much again after you are all healed. Enjoy it. Let Glen take care of you. (It will make him fell manly!) You will be returning the favor soon enough. Find easy things you can do with one hand. Audio books are a great start. Good luck and here's hoping for a quick healiing. :angel:
I'm trying to decide what to eat before work. Really, I just want to take a nap. I got up super early today for some stupid reason...
Addie said:
Eat something high in protein. It will help carry you through work. :)

I had an ice cream sandwich lol. Might have to make an actual sandwich to eat on the way. Otherwise I'll never make it.
Trying again with another pot of beans. They're done, so now I'm just working on the seasonings. I added 1/2# of sliced kielbasa and am waiting to see what that does as far as salt it concerned, then I'll add some kosher salt if necessary.

Herbs included were bay leaf, thyme, oregano and basil, plus a good dollop of margarine for the buttery flavor.
Trying again with another pot of beans. They're done, so now I'm just working on the seasonings. I added 1/2# of sliced kielbasa and am waiting to see what that does as far as salt it concerned, then I'll add some kosher salt if necessary.

Herbs included were bay leaf, thyme, oregano and basil, plus a good dollop of margarine for the buttery flavor.

Sounds like you can't go wrong with that mix. Bet your kitchen smells really good. :yum:
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