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The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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Just finished updating my health insurance for next year!

I have been working on this since Saturday and tonight I had the luck of finding a CSR that knows how to do the job! She did in 10 minutes what I have spent at least 8 hours, including hold time, trying to do!

I miss sitting across the desk from people when I'm doing business, progress makes me sad! :ermm::ohmy::LOL:

That's why I like my simple phone. I get to talk to people instead of texting. Pretty soon the only folks we will be talking to are the kids and hubby. And even that is in jeopardy if everybody just does texting. I like the sound of the human voice. You don't even have to visit your doctor anymore. It can all be done on line. :angel:
That's why I like my simple phone. I get to talk to people instead of texting. Pretty soon the only folks we will be talking to are the kids and hubby. And even that is in jeopardy if everybody just does texting. I like the sound of the human voice. You don't even have to visit your doctor anymore. It can all be done on line. :angel:

No kids, no hubby!

Mum's the word! :ermm::ohmy::LOL:
You're not alone.


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What I should be doing is sleeping. Instead, I've been listening to the sound of angels doing the polka or Irish step-dancing or pretending to be Fred Astaire...on the roof! And this in the year we get a top-floor unit at our timeshare. *sigh* Seems they decided this was a good year for the budget to replace the old roof. I guess they left some stuff up there that isn't completely fastened down. It keeps thumping and I keep mumbling to myself. I need rest - I have a hot date for late breakfast tomorrow. :huh: Actually, I get to see tinlizzie!
After catching up on my DVR shows from today I decided to have something hot and comforting ready for my BF when he walks in from the cold warehouse. (Tonight is his early night!!) I have chicken, leeks, carrots and carrots brewing on the stove. Just added in the egg noodles and am waiting on the last step of rising for my yeast rolls to go in the oven.

Oh and surfing recipes, as always. :)
Heading out for blood draws and a Cardio appointment. So much for a hot date. I going early so I can have breakfast at the hospital cafeteria before my appointment.
What I should be doing is sleeping. Instead, I've been listening to the sound of angels doing the polka or Irish step-dancing or pretending to be Fred Astaire...on the roof! And this in the year we get a top-floor unit at our timeshare. *sigh* Seems they decided this was a good year for the budget to replace the old roof. I guess they left some stuff up there that isn't completely fastened down. It keeps thumping and I keep mumbling to myself. I need rest - I have a hot date for late breakfast tomorrow. :huh: Actually, I get to see tinlizzie!

Wish we had better weather for you. But seeing the Gulf in a bad mood is interesting, too -- not so boring as all that sunshine. :cool:
I went for my X--rays of my hip this morning and from there down the street to order my new reading glasses. killed two birds with one stone. But the one thing I really wanted to get done, will have to wait. My daughter pulled her back again. And we were supposed to go shopping. So that is out. If she is still disabled tomorrow, I will have to ask Spike. Spike does so much for me, that I hate to ask him though.

I already have the fixings for the pumpkin cheesecake. And then my daughter tells me that everyone wants an apple pie also. Of course I didn't buy any apples when I went shopping at the beginning of the month. And then to top it all off, The Pirate tells his boss that I make the best apple pie in the world. Then he asks him, "would you like one?" Of course the answer was yes. Gee, thanks Pirate.

Thanksgiving and Christmas are creeping up way to fast for me. :angel:
Been havin' fun working on Christmas presents today. Spent most of this morning scrubbing, re-gluing and painting a set of doll twin/bunk beds. I scored them recently at Goodwill for $3 for the pair and knew immediately who we would give them to. We already have plenty of doll beds and cradles at our house for the grandchildren to play with but I couldn't pass these little gems up. I can't really tell how old they are but I don't think they're too old.

They are adorable but were painted the most garish blue/green (one bed) and hideous purple (the other bed) that I nearly hurled when I looked at them.

After they were all glued up and tightened up (Buck taught me well.), they both received a nice coat of barely blush pink paint. They'll need a second coat to cover up the disgusting previous colors but they already look sweet. Each one will have the recipient's name lettered on the headboard and, then, they will get a layer of clear coat to protect them. They should be as good as new and last for many hours of doll love.

The fabric should arrive today for the dust ruffles, blankets, pillows and mattresses I'll make for them. There should be enough fabric left to make some doll nighties to match. Can you tell I'm having a good time?
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Been havin' fun working on Christmas presents today. Spent most of this morning scrubbing, re-gluing and painting a set of doll twin/bunk beds. I scored them recently at Goodwill for $3 for the pair and knew immediately who we would give them to. We already have plenty of doll beds and cradles at our house for the grandchildren to play with but I couldn't pass these little gems up. I can't really tell how old they are but I don't think they're too old.

They are adorable but were painted the most garish blue/green (one bed) and hideous purple (the other bed) that I nearly hurled when I looked at them.

After they were all glued up and tightened up (Buck taught me well.), they both received a nice coat of barely blush pink paint. They'll need a second coat to cover up the disgusting previous colors but they already look sweet. Each one will have the recipient's name lettered on the headboard and, then, they will get a layer of clear coat to protect them. They should be as good as new and last for many hours of doll love.

The fabric should arrive today for the dust ruffles, blankets, pillows and mattresses I'll make for them. There should be enough fabric left to make some doll nighties to match. Can you tell I'm having a good time?

Unfortunately all my grand babies are past that age of playing with dolls or trucks. If I could I would love to join you. My memory tells me you are having a lot of fun. I used to have fun sitting down with the kids and their coloring books. I made sure I didn't do better than them. I didn't want to discourage them. :angel:
I'm making the house smell good, mmm! I'm simmering turkey stock to freeze for making gravy and stuffing next week.


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Just finished wrapping all of the
Christmas gifts that I have for my Mother.
Since we'll be spending Thanksgiving with
her and my Sister; I suggested that we should
bring our gifts for one another, not open or exchange them,
just bring them.

Sister, her SO and DH and I are driving
from our respective homes and meeting up at Mom's.
I figured it this way, we'll all being putting our Christmas
trees up within a week or so of Thanksgiving, why
not saving on S&H costs?

I have three wine bottle cases now
full of goodies that I've put up her Mom, I'm surely not
going to ship those! :huh:
I also boxed up all the wrapped gifts and I have
two orchid plants for as well.

Now, what's for dinner? :wacko:
Been wanting to do this project for a while, I splurged on an inexpensive kitchen tablet after my recent out of town trip gave me some mad money. I bought a mount, some industrial velcro and put it up today. It folds up under the cabinet when not in use. I'm kinda excited about this.

I keep my recipes in google drive, I have the DC app as well as allrecipes. This will make it easy to search the web for recipes and not have to drag my laptop in and find a place to put it in my tiny kitchen.


DH does not know how to text and doesn't want to learn. He hates texting. He hates when I text. He will start screaming "Pick up the phone and call her!" Why does it bother him what I do?
I never thought that I'd be a "texter" but it comes in handy when you want to send a not so urgent message that they can respond to at their leisure. I like not having to interrupt what someone is doing with a call.
I never thought that I'd be a "texter" but it comes in handy when you want to send a not so urgent message that they can respond to at their leisure. I like not having to interrupt what someone is doing with a call.

Same here. It's also handy when DH is at the grocery store and I think of something else we need. Sometimes I need to be very specific about brand, type, etc. ;)
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