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Our thunder-boomers were around 7:00 AM today, Cheryl. It took me a while to fall back asleep. I was thinking of brewing up a pot of coffee, but your nap idea sounds good. Maybe I'll wander into the sun room, crack open my book, and promptly fall asleep! Or coffee - I need to get some "stuff" done around here.
:LOL: Yes, Addie, like Taxy said, my daughter and family are enjoying all those fun activities here in SoCal. They're staying at my older daughters in Valencia, that's less than a 2 hr. drive from here.

Universal Studios is in Hollywood, a 1/2 hr. drive further south. Anaheim Stadium is another 1/2 hour further. The beach is right there too, so basically, it's all in pretty close proximity.

It's been 'active' at my daughter's house. 4 little boys having a blast together, ages 2, 4, 5, and 6. :shock: :w00t2::LOL:

And yes, GG, the Pacific Coast Highway is breathtaking! All of our coastlines in North America have something beautiful about them to offer.

Cheryl I rode the whole length of California Route 1. And it was breathtaking. We stopped at a rest stop and down below were hundreds of seals or sea lions. All I know is, whatever they were, they were so noisy you couldn't even carry on a conversation. Peeking over the edge was quite a site. Poo was about five and we held him really tight while we let him look. He still remembers it. :angel:
We've been prepping for a dinner party tomorrow while caring for our grandson. He was here from Monday night through this afternoon. So kitchen work interspersed with baseball, Sorry and videos.
I shredded six or so zucchini and have them salted and resting in the salad spinner. I'm going to freeze them for future zucchini bread and fritters. There's definitely a LOT of water coming out! :LOL:

The first pic is our garden harvest from the last couple of days. Trying to get at least some of it preserved for later since we're going out of town Friday. We have more green bell peppers than we've had in years, plus Fresno and Cubanelle peppers. .

Whatever I don't get done will go to the neighbor whose kids will be feeding our cats while we're gone.


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I ran the Canada D'Eh race today and now I just got up from a three hour nap. Heh.

I am not quite up on the Canada words. What does D'Eh translate to? I know you ran a race. That I got. I am just lost on D'Eh. This is not going to be one of my brightest days. :angel:
I am not quite up on the Canada words. What does D'Eh translate to? I know you ran a race. That I got. I am just lost on D'Eh. This is not going to be one of my brightest days. :angel:

I think it's a play on words. "Eh" is used for emphasis in some areas of Canada, as in "It's a beautiful day, eh?"

D'eh is a homophone that sounds like day and invokes the French of Quebec with the French construction d', meaning of something.

So Canada D'eh sounds like Canada Day but the spelling includes the French and colloquial English Canadian on the day of celebration.

Just a guess from someone who grew up across the Detroit River from Toronto :)
I think it's a play on words. "Eh" is used for emphasis in some areas of Canada, as in "It's a beautiful day, eh?"

D'eh is a homophone that sounds like day and invokes the French of Quebec with the French construction d', meaning of something.

So Canada D'eh sounds like Canada Day but the spelling includes the French and colloquial English Canadian on the day of celebration.

Just a guess from someone who grew up across the Detroit River from Toronto :)
Excellent description.
Thank you. Now I have learned something new. All my adult life, I try to learn a simple little fact of life. Keeps my mind alert. And I learn a lot of great little tidbits of life. :angel:
Addie, glad you and your son have those memories of driving the PCH. I drove a bit of it with my daughter a couple of years ago on our way to Santa Barbara, and we saw dolphins frolicking. :)

GG, that's a beautiful bounty. Have a great time on your road trip!

Nickee, great job on running the race in this heat (must be warm there, too...) And thanks GG for the definition of D'Eh. lol I learned something new.

I just got back from the doctor's office - there's a weird spot on my temple that has recently and drastically changed appearance so they did a biopsy. :( Today will be a kick back rest of the day. Although, I enjoyed those enchiladas so much from the other day, I'm seriously thinking of making another batch while I've still got the fixin's. :yum: :LOL:
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What do you do with giant overgrown cucumbers? Make cucumber agua fresca (fresh cucumber water). I peeled, seeded, chopped and puréed three large cucumbers and let them drain through cheesecloth over a bowl. Then I mixed them with 1 cup water, 2 tablespoons of sugar and the juice of 1 lime. It's resting in the fridge. I'll freeze it before we leave on our trip and when we get back, it will make yummy martinis with lime vodka.
6:40AM here, I'm up, showered, dressed and waiting for my daughter to come and pick me up - we're going up to the Kern River Valley for the day. :) We're stopping at a huge farmers market up there, all the veggies and fruit are grown right there on their acres of land. It's only about a 45 minute drive from here.

My grandson will love the baby ducks and geese that just hatched. We'll probably have lunch at one of the cute little restaurants along the river. Have a good day, all!
I am about to fly a cancer survivor back to San Diego after his treatment at UCLA
Successful trip form Santa Monica to San Diego.
Today I flew a lady who was a breast cancer survivor to Visalia in the Central Valley. I could not believe it, but she had about 135 pounds of stuff with her! It filled up the back seat and the entire baggage compartment.:eek:
Sounds like a nice outing Cheryl.

Thank you, Taxy....it was SUCH a great day! Nice to get out of the hot valley and up into the cooler mountains. I'll put up a couple of pics in the random photo thread, we saw some pretty fabulous scenery.
Successful trip form Santa Monica to San Diego.
Today I flew a lady who was a breast cancer survivor to Visalia in the Central Valley. I could not believe it, but she had about 135 pounds of stuff with her! It filled up the back seat and the entire baggage compartment.:eek:

Whoa, that's a lot of gear she packed. She's probably lucky she didn't have to weed things out, with the weight restrictions and all. Glad you do what you do, Souschef. :flowers:

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