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I found the camera...now I have to get dressed so I can take pics outside...I don't want to Adult today, either!
:wacko: :LOL:


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My hands have gotten really worse very fast. My knuckles are all swollen and I no longer can cut my meat. I have to hold the knife in my fist instead of my fingers.

So I sent an email to Poo. I could have asked Winthrop but I knew I would get better results from my son. I asked him to find me an orthopedic specialist to take a look at my hands. I have nodules on all the knuckles and now they have become very painful. A number of years ago I had an extremely large one on just one finger. The doctor shot my finger and most of my hand with Novocain and remove it. I am hoping this doctor will be willing to do the same. I don't need to be put to sleep. The only bad part is that I won't be able to watch.

My son came through for me. He contacted the head of the orthopedic department and asked him to take a look at my hands. He gave me the number and now I can call and make an appointment.

Although the agreement with Winthrop was that they would provide all my medical needs, the only major requirement is that I always have to use the facilities and doctors that they have contracts with. But because I receive Medicare, I have the right to make my own appointment as long as it is with the hospital or facility that they have a contract with. And that is exactly what I will be doing. I have to call Winthrop tomorrow and let them know I have the appointment so they can make arrangements for the transportation. And this time you can bet I will check the day before to make sure everything is ready for me to go see the doctor I chose myself. I am taking my care into my own hands. :wacko: To many screw-ups in Winthrop to blindly rely on them anymore. :angel:
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Do you have one in your family?

I have a grandchild that is 37 y.o. At one time I wouldn't have given two cents that he would amount to anything in life. In fact, I honestly thought he would end up in jail at sometime in his life.

But! And it is a huge "But". I was so wrong. We call him Bubbles due to all the bubbles he would blow as an infant. In high school, he was the "Jock" all the girls wanted to date. Pictures of the football player catching the football in mid-air constantly appeared in our local newspaper almost every week. He graduated, and from there he went on to become a coach for Little League of the most losing team in town. But he made it clear to the parents that the kids were there to have fun, and if they won a game, that was just gravy.

After drifting from job to job, he finally found a career that he loves besides sports. Construction. He had a friend that was in the Carpenter's Union and got Bubbles into their Apprentice Program. Well, today he has been able to work his way up to Project Manager on any job. And he has a great future in the Construction business.

But all the time while climbing his career ladder, he has never lost his love for sports. He started and developed a local semi pro baseball team for men. The team has been scouted this year by the Red Sox. But the great news is that this year his team is playing in the final seven games for the whole shebang! The have the best record of the league. 30-6. The Trophy for the best of the best! These are men in their late 20's-early 30's. They work all day and rush home, shower, shave, eat and out the door to play their next game. Bubbles is still the manager as well as playing almost every night for the whole season.

So for a kid that the family had very little hope for, he has done very well for himself. Oh yes, one more thing. With all that the has going on, he also has a side business of his own.

And one more thing. He has a live-in girlfriend that was a heroin addict. He gave her the option of getting help or they were history. She was afraid of going for help after hearing some of the horror stories of the places and how they detox you. So Bubbles took it upon himself to give her all the support she required and helped her kick the habit. She has been straight now for five years. Unfortunately, she recently lost a baby. They are trying to start their family. And marriage is in the picture.

Do you have anyone in your family that you are really proud of? Someone that the family had no hope for and they turned themselves around? I would love to hear about them. We all love a great success story. Please share yours. :angel:
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Daughter and I are going to make a Costco and Trader Joe's run tomorrow, so I'm making a list. It's a 3 hour round trip drive and we always stop for a nice lunch somewhere, plus all the extra little places we'll want to go to, so it'll be pretty much an all day trip. Looking forward to it. :)
I've finally been able to get down to dealing with the veritable plethora of weeds and unwanted saplings that all seem to come with living out of town and being almost surrounded by woods. I have never seen such a variety of weeds in amongst the overgrown shrubbery around the house.

Our horrid gnat/mosquito season (which lasted most of the summer) seems to have abated, and it's cool today with a nice breeze so I could wear long pants and stomp through the overgrowth without getting too scratched up. Of course I'm covered in burr seeds and beggars lice (not bugs, a type of weed seed) and looking forward to a shower.
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