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Nice photos, Souschef! Himself is jealous. That's neat that you'll be certified to fly one of those older ladies.
Thanks for the wishes, CG, but I do not have enough money for that. This was on my bucket list since seeing the movie "Forever Young". I will just fly it this once, like the jet I did some years ago.


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I'm messing around with rhubarb sauce. The neighbor who told me to help myself last year to his rhubarb plants told DH and Beagle that he really enjoyed last year's sauce, so I'll certainly have to give him another container this year. I added a package of raspberry jello, because, why not?
I did it!

Thank you, Cheryl. Tomorrow I hope to get more as I will be taking instruction to fly the B-25.
What a day! After sweatting out the weather, we took off with another B-25 and a P-51. We met up over my valley and then flew to Santa Barbara. The other 2 planes were put on display, and we flew back towards our home airport. I got into the copilot's seat and spent about 45 minutes flying the plane. It was an absolute thrill!


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What a day! After sweatting out the weather, we took off with another B-25 and a P-51. We met up over my valley and then flew to Santa Barbara. The other 2 planes were put on display, and we flew back towards our home airport. I got into the copilot's seat and spent about 45 minutes flying the plane. It was an absolute thrill!

Awesome!!!! Glad you had a good time. Is Kayelle ok after that?

I think I'd have to sleep that one off. Don't tell me nothin'!:ROFLMAO::LOL:

Ok, now you have half of us all jealous.:LOL:

Quick ? for you. About 2 weeks ago, I was planting flowers in the front yard.
I heard a plane with an unusual sound flying low enough so that you could see that it was one of the oldies. It had 2 large white bands that I could make out. Grey color.

Asked hubby to come out and look. It also had a smaller kind of plane flying close by that looked like the one you fly.
I told him that's an old war plane. He said it wasn't.

So was it?

We seem to live in an area that's a military path (whatchamacallit) helicopters sometimes fly so low the windows rattle. Were on the Good year tire blimps path. Met life's to.
Did my good deed for today

A neighbor was moving and had an estate sale. One of the items was an 18 qt Nesco Roaster. As i walked by today, it was sitting in the carport next to an outlet. They wanted $5 for it! Well i plugged it in and it did not work, so I had someone take it inside and plug it in. Lo and behold it worked! Apparently the outside plugs did not work, which was why nobody else bought it.
I bought it and gave it to the lady across the street that needed one. I told her the next time she made tamales we wanted a couple:yum:
Just killing time...

We need to leave in an hour to drive up the street and collect my SIL and her husband. They are flying to UT on a 5:30AM flight; to save them some money, we're dropping them off at the airport. Parking for the time they are gone would be almost $100. :ohmy: I told her they could return the favor by hosting a Memorial Day cookout at their house. Now we just have to hope we remember to pick them up when they return. :ermm: She'd better send me a text when they're leaving UT to come home...
I got the large flower bed planted with purchased flowers yesterday, seeds just were not going to be fast enough for me to enjoy, but I have strategically planted the seeds for a later show of flowers. Today the yard beyond the sidewalk. It's so cloudy (no rain) I have not even gotten a tan.
Been spending time in my studio today just playin' around and enjoying the company of my girls, Sally and Bella.

I like to have something to to with my hands while I watch TV at night so today I'm cutting 3-inch strips out of plastic shopping bags. I'm crocheting a plastic mat out of them and I've about run out of strips in my pile. I should have nearly 200 when I finish today. Then I'll have to find something else to amuse me. The studio is such a cheerful pleasant place that I get lost when I'm there. No worries, though, I have plenty of grandchild projects to keep me busy for several lifetimes.
Been spending time in my studio today just playin' around and enjoying the company of my girls, Sally and Bella.

I like to have something to to with my hands while I watch TV at night so today I'm cutting 3-inch strips out of plastic shopping bags. I'm crocheting a plastic mat out of them and I've about run out of strips in my pile. I should have nearly 200 when I finish today. Then I'll have to find something else to amuse me. The studio is such a cheerful pleasant place that I get lost when I'm there. No worries, though, I have plenty of grandchild projects to keep me busy for several lifetimes.

That's pretty interesting, Katie. I was wondering what you would do with plastic mats, so I did a search and found this: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/57069120248373616/

Amazing what creative people can come up with :)
I went for a sunday roast dinner lunch at a local pub (not been there before but I was informed that the roast potatoes were done in goose fat and not, as many pubs tend to do - deep fried!).

I took a chance and had the beef (which was topside - not normally a typical joint for roasting ... more suited to braising). It was surprisingly tender but oh...WHAT a disappointment the roast potatoes were! Although they looked authentically brown, their exterior was SOFT i.e. not crunchy. Also they were volcanically hot, like food sometimes is when emerging from a microwave. This is probably how they were treated (heated up this way)...it would certainly account for their soft exterior. (I am familiar with pies being heated in a microwave emerging with damp, soft pastry). Oh well....I have another local pub to try for a sunday roast.
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That's pretty interesting, Katie. I was wondering what you would do with plastic mats, so I did a search and found this: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/57069120248373616/

Amazing what creative people can come up with :)

I don't remember where I heard about the mats, but the ones I'm making will be smallish because I'm going to put them in the bottom of Sally and Bella's sleeping baskets this winter. Should keep them cozy under their blankies.

I'm also going to make a larger one to use under the pool ladder on the outside of the pool to keep things from getting too mucky and to aid in bringing in grass, etc. into the pool when we get in.
Just got back from our biannual Costco run. I now have enough paper products to last me most of the rest of my life. I was really impressed with the Kirkland brand of facial tissue, it was really tough and very soft. I go through a lot of kleenex.

The vultures were swooping in on the samples. A man, his daughter, and I were patiently waiting for a bean burrito slice, and a guy just stuck his arm in and grabbed up the last sample.

Our closest Costco is apparently an ugly stepsister. I looked high and low for the Kirkland facewipes, none to be found anywhere. DH thought he found them over by the dog food aisle, but those were buttwipes. Not quite the same.
Just got back from our biannual Costco run. I now have enough paper products to last me most of the rest of my life. I was really impressed with the Kirkland brand of facial tissue, it was really tough and very soft. I go through a lot of kleenex.

The vultures were swooping in on the samples. A man, his daughter, and I were patiently waiting for a bean burrito slice, and a guy just stuck his arm in and grabbed up the last sample.

Our closest Costco is apparently an ugly stepsister. I looked high and low for the Kirkland facewipes, none to be found anywhere. DH thought he found them over by the dog food aisle, but those were buttwipes. Not quite the same.

:LOL: No, not quite! I love the Kirkland facial towelettes, Dawg. Sorry you couldn't find any this time. The last time I was in Costco - at least a year and a half ago - I found them in kind of a weird place, but I don't remember where. I bought 3 boxes of them.
What I've been doing compared to what you all have been doing, is not nearly as much fun. I've been on a cleaning and throwing stuff away binge for the past 2 days. I might be going up to the Sacramento area in NoCal to visit my aunt and uncle for a few days in the coming week, and want to come home to a clean house with as little to do as possible. ;):)
:LOL: No, not quite! I love the Kirkland facial towelettes, Dawg. Sorry you couldn't find any this time. The last time I was in Costco - at least a year and a half ago - I found them in kind of a weird place, but I don't remember where. I bought 3 boxes of them.

The facewipes have ALWAYS been in the first aisle before the soap and shampoo here! How dare Costco! :mad:

And of course, nobody around to ask. The food sample people probably have no idea.
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