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Just got back from our City Mission. They sell their used books for 25 cents each or 10 for a dollar. i got some great cookbooks today.

Thomas Kinkade Collectors Society Recipe collection- 182 pages
Favorite Cookie-Bars from Current - 62 pages
Readers Digest Quick and Delicious - 400 pages
Grandma's Best-Loved Recipes - 384 pages
Gooseberry Patch Christmas Book 9 - 160 pages
Today is 'walk through' on the house daughter and SIL bought.. Closing in Tuesday the 27th, moving day is Wednesday the 28th. It will be a zoo but fun, I hope.. :ermm:

To top it all off, my daughter is having surgery tomorrow morning, Friday the 23rd.. :wacko:

I'm so glad you did that PF. It was the best thing I ever did for myself.

I'm also glad to hear your sister is so much better.

Wow, you've sure had a full plate lately. Take care of yourself.

Thanks KL, baby sis is now in a rehab center in Colorado, turns out she has very good insurance, so all that worry for nothing. She still isn't walking well, but she definitely has all her faculties back. We moved her to the rehab on Thursday.

I spent time today moving furniture around and picking up the odd bits and pieces from the shelves that belonged to Shrek and mean nothing to me.

I did find a stash of coins, will have to take them to a coin shop. And where in the world did he get 3 Loonies from Canada...we never went to Canada. Coins from the Caribbean, South America and Asia. Then there is a bunch of silver US coins, some very old.

Watching movies and kicking back right now. Shrek has been gone a month as of Thursday...:(
A month? I bet some days it seems longer, others as if it was just last week. Hang in there, PF. Eventually you adjust - but you know those kinds of things. ((hugs)) to you.

Glad to hear that baby sis has her act together. I hope she gets her sea legs back soon, too. Still have all of you in my thoughts and prayers.
Shrek has been gone a month as of Thursday...:(
I understand completely. For the longest time I'd say "it seems like yesterday and forever ago". Now I count the years (12) and although sometimes it seems like yesterday, life is indeed very good again. Time is the enemy now, but it will become your friend. Wishing you peace for the journey.
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Went and got a goat and some chicks. I had permission for the goat so I figured that carried over to chicks too. received_10102971851353343.jpgFB_IMG_1522113555247.jpg
Having some mixed nuts and bier, and watching The Voice, while my grandkids are doing Kumon in the other room. They’re on spring break so they’ll be spending a few nights with us.

Tyler's on spring break this week, too. My daughter enrolled him in a couple of fun classes through Parks and Recreation from 8 till noon, then I have him from noon till 5:30. He's fun and I love him to pieces, but he's SUCH a busy little guy....:ohmy: :ROFLMAO:
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