What are you eating Saturday 11/4/2017?

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Today is our 10th anniversary. It sure feels like we've packed in a lot of loving and living in just a short decade! We actually celebrated last night with lobster at our favorite sea side restaurant.
The celebration continues tonight with bacon wrapped Filet Mignon, mushroom risotto, haricot vert with bacon.

Congratulations to you two!:flowers:
Today is our 10th anniversary...
Congrats, Kayelle! :flowers: Wishing you and Souschef many more happy, healthy anniversaries ahead. :heart:

Just like some of the college football games on Saturday, we also had a delayed start. One of the travelers was experiencing a bit of a disturbance in the southern hemisphere...:whistling Since the car had already been packed (including coolers with food :ermm: ), I refused to cook. We put the food back into the refrigerator, the ice packs into the freezer, and took off for a favorite burger joint. I had the burger (mushroom-Swiss) while Himself opted for clam strips. We split a beer sampler. Departure is now about eight hours away. :huh: So what am I doing here??? :LOL:


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Went to an Italian restaurant last night..It was ok...gf`s seafood pasta in cream sauce was the best. I ordered a veal dish but they were out of one of the ingredients..prosciutto, I think. An Italian restaurant running out of prosciutto..pshhh..sacrilege..anyhoo, I went for the sausage pizza..just alright...crust tasted like it was made from Bisquick...you`d think a place called Cafe Napoli could make a damn pizza crust...one nice app we had was smoked salmon on crustini with mascarpone cheese..calamari was good. Just basic, lightly floured. Tiramisu was nice. Wine was a bit pricey...
Service was good, though. I have to say that...

I don`t know..maybe I`m getting too picky in my old age..but it seemed like a lot for 140 bucks...and that was before the tip..
Date night in GA. Grilled Corvina from Costco with Sundried tomato and Feta CousCous and spinach salad with strawberries and Raspberry/wasabi vinaigrette. Had the meal on the deck with candle light. So into the meal I forgot to take pictures.
Today is our 10th anniversary. It sure feels like we've packed in a lot of loving and living in just a short decade! We actually celebrated last night with lobster at our favorite sea side restaurant.
The celebration continues tonight with bacon wrapped Filet Mignon, mushroom risotto, haricot vert with bacon.

Happy belated 10th anniversary, Kay and Sous! May this be the beginning of many more happy years together. :wub: Your anniversary dinner sounds wonderful!
I think I served the Elders a chicken pasta dish...it would have been my bro's 60th birthday. I was exhausted from shoveling heavy, wet snow off my Dad's 1/4 mi. driveway. I needed to do something to redirect my thoughts.
that was hard work. I miss my bro so very, very much. I am pretty sure I fed the Elders...
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