Gotta chime in on favorite brands, in order, and favorite ways to cook and eat them. may not be able to eat hot dogs anymore, but I can remember.
Favorite breands:
1. Cher-Make natural casing hot dogs
2. Koegle's Vienna Hot Dogs
3. Koegle's all beef hot dogs
4. Volworth's all beef hot dogs
5. Wrath Blackhawk Hot dogs
Favorite way to cook them
1. Yeh, on a green willow stick in a campfire
2. Grilled over charcoal, but not blackened
3. Cooked over the flame on my gas stove
4. Microwaved (no flavor lost, but must not be overcooked
5. Steamed
6. Cold out of the fridge
7. Fried, rolling until browned and bubbly on the whole dog
8. Bacon Wrapped and broiled
9. Oh, I almost forgot, and this should be above chili dog - Whole dog cooked in pot with B & M, or Van Camp's pork and beans
1. Love dog on a steamed bun with good coarse mustard, ketchup, sweet pickle relish, chopped onion.
2. Love chilil cheese dog, but it has to be good chili, thick and rich.
3. Dog on a steamed but with sour kraut, ketchup, Chiooed onion, and swiss cheese
Least favorite hot dog preparation, (when using good hot dogs) Hot dogs sliced and drowned in bbq sauce, something that always shows up at pot lucks, followed by hot dogs sliced into pasta dishes.
Ok, I'm done. I miss hot dogs.
Seeeeeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North