What is the best way to prepare the chicken for a chicken salad?

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Head Chef
Sep 11, 2021
boil or roast in the oven?

and also. i wonder if you really have canned chicken in the US. is it true?
why we don't have it here?
Depends on what the salad is you are using it in. Sometimes I add Indian spices, sometimes Mexican, sometimes Italian - I don't add much when steaming it, but maybe a little, adding most of it when finishing the salad. I usually steam it with a small amount of water in the Instant Pot, for 15 min, let the pressure release naturally, then let the chicken cool, before cutting it up or shredding it. Usually in the summer (when I'm making salads the most) I don't turn on the oven much! But maybe grilling, outside, could give some extra flavor. Usually that chicken I marinate in a Thai seasoning, which is good with many things.

As for the canned chicken, never tried it, and probably won't.
which variation of chicken salad you like the most?
i wish we had veganease here. i don't use regular mayo mostly.
they stopped bringing the veganease as far as i've noticed..
boil or roast in the oven?

and also. i wonder if you really have canned chicken in the US. is it true?
why we don't have it here?
Yeah, we do have canned chicken. I have never purchased it but I have eaten things other people have made with it. It's so much cheaper to cook your own than to buy it.

I boil it for chicken salad (for sandwiches). If I am topping a green salad with vegetables, I broil it or pan sear it in my cast iron skillet. If we were having a lot of people over I would probably have my husband grill it on the outdoor grill.

Edited to add that I use the skinless boneless chicken breasts for this. If I had a whole chicken to cook I would roast it.
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I've eaten canned chicken as part of a hurricane meal. It's edible in a casserole type dish but I wouldn't use it for chicken salad. It's also the only land animal canned meat I will eat.

I used to boil or use the pressure cooker to make chicken for chicken salad as that's the way my mother did it. There's a couple of Vietnamese dishes that I still poach chicken for, using half water and half stock, but for American type chicken salad, I start the chicken in a pan on the stove then finish in the oven.
I prefer roasted chicken, or even better, rotisserie chicken from my charcoal grill. I like to rotisserie cook the chicken, have some fresh for one meal, and use the remaining meat for chicken salad. Duke's mayo.


makes an excellent chicken salad for sangwitches. Drain it and mix it with mayonnaise/Miracle Whip and a few crunchies like onion, celery and carrot, or maybe some pickle relish,but not too much.
.I personally think it would just make a mess and a lot of clean-up. Two forks are all that are necessary. Much easier and faster. Plus a bonus, you can lick the forks when you are done! Makes washing so much faster. You can't really lick the bowl or blades of a food processor.
This is the canned chicken I have on hand to use when I need chicken pronto. I buy it by the case, a perfectly acceptable product. I still have habits left over from when I lived far from grocery stores.


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    canned chickenl_IMG_0262.jpg
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.I personally think it would just make a mess and a lot of clean-up. Two forks are all that are necessary. Much easier and faster. Plus a bonus, you can lick the forks when you are done! Makes washing so much faster. You can't really lick the bowl or blades of a food processor.
Someone, somewhere, has probably tried!!! :unsure:
This is the canned chicken I have on hand to use when I need chicken pronto. I buy it by the case, a perfectly acceptable product. I still have habits left over from when I lived far from grocery stores.
Is that a whole chicken, with the bones? I remember those from when I was a kid. The only thing I didn't like about them was that the skin was a weird texture.

How do you use it?
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