What is your weather like right now?

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High of 46F today. Cool day the warm sunshine feels good too. Lows in the 30's tonight in SE S.D.
Pretty, sunny day, up to 56°, currently 44. Another cold morning expected @ 27° tomorrow.
We had lots of fog this morning, if I hadn't been running late I would have loved to walk to work.
Very warm to hot right now...30c...tomorrow 36c :ohmy: then 35c on Monday...bring back Spring at least please :(
Raining right now. I know this as I had to walk home (12 blocks) in the rain as dh forgot to pick me up after a meeting.
simonbaker said:
Raining right now. I know this as I had to walk home (12 blocks) in the rain as dh forgot to pick me up after a meeting.

Hmmm. Bet someone's in the doghouse now....

We had sprinkles earlier. Currently 43° and REALLY dark here along the river.
Beautiful day today. Mid 60's! Hubby and I took a nice motorcycle ride. We still have the motorcycle that we dated on. Hubby bought it new in 1979. We sold it to my dad at one point when the kids were little. A few years later he GAVE it back to us, and we have had it ever since. Everyone thinks that we restored this bike. Nope- it is just in really good original condition.
It really was a nice day for a ride.
It has been very hot here...but now it is raining, there is thunderstorms going on and the change is coming in :)
I have the news on and guess what? We have another Nor'easter coming our way Wednesday night. It won't be as strong as Sandy, but it will have winds. :angel:
Overcast all day but no rain, high of 38F High's in the 50's the rest of the week, lows in the 30's at night in SE S.D.
Today is real sunny and a bit of a chill in the air. A perfect day for voting. I went downstairs about three minutes before 7 a.m. There was a long outside waiting for them to open the doors. It has been a steady stream of voters all day long. temps are oin the 40's. :angel:
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