What is your weather like right now?

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It was hot a heck today. Sweating so much I had to have a cold bath twice! We are going to suffer in Summer, think this may be the worst one we've seen :(
I really don't like heat.
39 F now in SE S.D. It was real windy today, gusts of 50 mph. Had to really hang on to the wheel when driving the interstate today.
43° and drizzly here along the river. Opted for the recumbent bike/rowing machine instead of a walk, as it was too dark. Thhhbbtt to daylight savings time.
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43° and drizzly here along the river. Opted for the recumbent bike/rowing machine instead of a walk, as it was too dark. Thhhbbtt to daylight savings time.
Good for you! : ) I am missing the sunshine this time of the year too.:)
Chilly, in the low 60s, I've had to run the heat a couple of times so far, and the north wind keeps it too cool in here to have the windows open. :(

The report for tonight is a low of 48°.
We are at the beginning of a Nor'easter. Snow/rain mixed right now. But promising to turn to all snow. Just what we need. Another storm. Temps in the high 30's. :angel:
High of 50F, even warmer tomorrow. They are threatening snow on sunday. Had to scrape the ice off the car windows this morning before work in SE S.D.
Currently 49°, and the sun's going down here along the river. A nice sunny day!
Snowing off and on today. Currently 34°F, but only because the wind has died down. Expecting 23°F for the low tonight.
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