What is your weather like right now?

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I went to sleep around 12:30 and woke up at 1:40 freezing. Brrrr. My hands were like ice, there was no way I'd be able to get back to sleep. We've got freeze warnings thru Saturday.

I'll bet there will be frost on the cars in the parking lot when it's light enough to see. It seems awfully early to be this cold. I'm really glad I don't have to go anywhere.

I do need to get to the outdoor faucet to refill my water jugs for my plants. I only have a trickle left, and the humidity has been extemely low lately, so I know they need water and my tap water is softened water which contains salt.

It's too cold (lazy) to go outside and get my feet wet.

It's time for another heat wave.
Gosh, winter came way too early this year. Last night was 19. We got couple inches of snow in town.
Must be global warming.

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When I went to work it was 1 F. High of 17 F today. The wind was not quite as bad & the sun was shining. :)
Wow, it seems like just yesterday so many of you were posting of the endless snow and cold weather, and here it is starting again. :ohmy: Time flies too fast.

Supposed to be a high here of 72 tomorrow, but a low tomorrow night of 38. :ermm:
Today we got up to a downright balmy 27 degrees with about an inch of snow. Now it is about 12 degrees out there. Rosebud only weighs about 25 lbs. and has short hair, so I have to stand by the door to make sure she gets out and back in quickly!
Brrr...41 now and the weather reports are saying down to 34 tonight. :ohmy: I might have to turn on the heater and bring the patio plants in tomorrow.
:wacko: Raw, damp and down right cold. Rain! And I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon right during the time there will be a wind advisory. :angel:
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Dang it's cold! Wind's whipping and we're around -5 with wind chill though the thermometer says 12° F. We may even break a coldness record tomorrow. Oh joy oh rapture.
Dang it's cold! Wind's whipping and we're around -5 with wind chill though the thermometer says 12° F. We may even break a coldness record tomorrow. Oh joy oh rapture.

36ºF right now with promises of the temperature dropping even more. Su So much to look forward to. :angel:
Dang it's cold! Wind's whipping and we're around -5 with wind chill though the thermometer says 12° F. We may even break a coldness record tomorrow. Oh joy oh rapture.

Same thing here. It's crazy. How can be so cold so early?

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